Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh πŸ™‚ and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.

%1$ Comments480

    We're slowly getting lore. This is getting ridiculous

    what is about a part with a gay bishop who is inlove with the king?

    Oh Halloween he should do an episode on the Halloween Gambit

    When the queen sad that move was smart the bishop was able to take the rook

    its very weird how in 97 episodes this is the first ever bishop mate

    Lets goo we hyped for episode 100, 3 more left !!!!

    6:53 me from that clips : forward my rook to 1A and checkmate no way run

    The knight shouldn't exchanged himself he should go to the pawn on f6 then the room would have to take back or the Queen would be captured then you take back with the bishop

    The Bishop is being a best piece in Chess!
    What if the Queen and the Bishop said together:Checky Checky Mate Mate!
    Then the other King say again:Nooooo!

    Finally the creator I've been waiting for uploads the video

    fact : in chess the bishop is stronger than a knight

    Checky checky check mate sounds cooler than checky checky mate,mate


    4:33 The bishop could have just captured the rook though

    if there isn't a traxler in or before episode 100, i'm gonna be upset and break the free cookie.

    the bishops journey has come to an end😒😒

    Could you make 100th episode special from some additional modes? Maybe atomic would be fun idk. Also great video as always <3

    Dawg i just remember the king is more useless than the bishop😭

    Black king: bishops are uselessπŸ˜‚
    White bishop:HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO US LIKE THAT!!!!🀬 now you will get CHECKMATED by your worst nighmare
    before checkmate
    white king: don't checkmate him with the bishops
    white Queen: I will😈
    π—–π—›π—˜π—–π—žπ— π—”π—§π—˜
    Black king: nooooo😒😞😩 how is this possible bishops are supposed to be a sleepy @$$es
    White bishop: finally I've proven that the bishops are useful and more special pieces they are π——π—²π˜ƒπ—Άπ—»π—² so shut the f*** up Peasant
    and get checkmated you imbecile and for the first time CHECKY CHECKY MATE MATE
    Black king :nooooooooooooooooooooo

    episode 100 checkmate with 2 bishops
    please do this

    Now for White king to get mated for a bishop. They both deserve it.

    The bishop is slowly rising… He wasnt called a donkey in this video

    I remember the last vid I watched was 65 and then u stopped watching and now I'm back

    see bishops arent simps or useless i think the kings just had a stroke lol

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