Chess Pro Answers More Questions From Twitter (ft. GothamChess) | Tech Support | WIRED
Levy Rozman returns to answer more of the internet’s burning questions about the game of chess. What does he make of the Carlsen vs. Neimann controversy? What’s the greatest chess move of all time? How are chess bots able to analyze an entire game? Levy answers all these questions and much more!
Check out more from Levy Rozman:
Director: Lisandro Perez-Rey
Director of Photography: Francis Bernal
Editor: Louville Moore
Talent: Levy Rozman
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas; Brandon White
Production Manager: D. Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila
Camera Operator: Brittany Berger
Gaffer: Mar Alfonso
Sound Mixer: Michael Guggino
Production Assistant: Albie Smith
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Additional Editor: Paul Tael
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward
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There have been a few other rule changes in chess but more related to the administration than the gameplay, e.g. the rule about draws being reached after X-number of moves without a piece captured (75, then 50) and the end of adjournments. Time controls have also changed. I think the last rule change related to how pieces can move was clarifying the castling rules after the famous 1972 puzzle that used vertical castling in its solution. That's now officially outlawed by a rewording of the rule. In practice though it made no difference.
I think there are even old rules that are more recent than en passant, like 'white moves first'.
11 months ago:Hi I am Levy Rozman Chess Educator and YouTuber
Now: Hi I am Levy Rozman Chess Educator,YouTuber and Author
And author
This guy is cool, he should start his own channel
Me: Hmm, Levy seems to be a little muted in this video
Levy: No brain cells. The average chess player probably doesn’t know how to make toast.
Me: Aaaaaah, there he is
Is this Magnus Carlsen?
It's funny how most of these questions (tweets) were made in 2020
His ego.
He has just published a book. One book. I can't stand his attitude. How can Eric be his friend? Is he really?
The easiest way to explain en passant is through the history of pawn moves, which is to say that pawns used to only be able to move one square at a time (even on the first move)
But then the double first move was implemented in order to speed up the game (since it was so common to move the same pawn twice, and take up and central square/rank). However, that meant the opponent could now use their double first move to entirely avoid capture by your opposing pawn, in the case where you had advanced a pawn to your 5th rank on an adjacent file. Ultimately, this was an unintended consequence or “bug” in the double first move
Therefore, they had to allow “capture” of such a pawn as if it had only moved one square (in order to balance the game), but only if the capture is performed immediately. Otherwise, the double first move is considered to have taken full effect, and you can no longer capture it
Anastasia-Mate most satisfying mate
9:20 This is not true. You can promote a pawn to a bishop and then have two same-color bishops.
i actually really appreciate the comment about there being no correlation between intelligence and chess. I don't know if that is strictly true, but I have a pretty above average IQ (something like 143). I have my Masters degree, and I am total garbage at chess. I have been playing daily for 2 years and have hardly improved at all. I'm at an 800 ELO and that's pretty much where I started. I play it because I find it fun, but I'm straight trash. I took a Gotham chess class and I'm no better.
Chess boxing must be a Wu Tang clan thing
2 months of chess? bruh 1 game can make me sleepy
Should've sacked the rook.
N for Knight?
Levy loves dressing up like a druglord.
Need Agadmator aka Antonio
Notation. .no wonder Bobby fisher went insane.
Glad to see you here Levy
Le Indians….We invented chess
Somebody should have asked him about "DEWA KIPAS" 😂
10:06 That's why he beat kids
So conflicted with supporting this guy, because he clearly bends the knee to gen z viewers, but is one of the most watched content creators.
Levi being Levy
The only vid of got ham that isn’t clickbait
Petition to bring Levy back. But next time have a question that involves sacrificing a particular piece on the board that looks like a castle
I love the calm energy he has here. Very rehearsed and calm.
Can Magnus defeat Stockfish?
Six figures as in a hundred grand? That's loads of money!
And author!!!! Congrats!
How to offer a draw irl
Tipping over your king is the dramatic way to resign? I thought flipping the board and/or the table was the dramatic way to resign.
I feel like I've seen this guy somewhere before…
Oh that's right!
Kitchen Nightmares!
9:25 actually it's not true. You can have several Queens on the board, and you can also promote to a Bishop.
You can even have a situation where you need to specify the location of the piece you're playing. For example if you have Knights on e8, e4, c8 and c4, you must write for eample: Ne4d6.
First of all, hi, Anna. LMFAO
This turned into the gothamchess comment section 💀
A name that jewy should come with headgear and allergies.
@GothamChess I just wanted to point out that it isn’t just knights and rooks you need to differentiate in notation. It’s also possible two different pawns could capture the same piece, and you would need to differentiate then as well. It’s a bit of a fringe case sure, but it is a thing.
Thanks for bringing him again ❤
Levi is just doing side quests at this point
but does he know about the bongcloud opening?
What a great guy, he should start a chess youtube channel and sacrifice the rook.
ladder mater is much more satisfying.
you know, your opponent know, that the game is over.
Dewa Kipas
Twitter? What is this app? I was born in 2023.
9:23 You may have to do it with bishops or queens too, in case you promote a pawn. If you have three queens you might also have to specify both rank and file in the move!