Chess Pro Explains How to Spot Cheaters (ft. GothamChess) | WIRED

“Only a bot would play that!” Sacrificing a Queen in chess is a move you’re much more likely to see a bot make as opposed to a human, as humans want to protect the game’s most valuable piece. In the wake of the recent chess cheating scandal, Levy Rozman from GothamChess explains how you actually cheat at chess. Using artificial intelligence, see how people use everything from bathroom cell phones to ear pieces to try to skirt the rules and gain an edge.

Check out Levy’s YouTube channel:

Director: Lisandro Perez-Rey
Director of Photography: Charlie Jordan
Editor: Louville Moore
Talent: Levy Rozman

Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Samantha Vélez
Production Manager: Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila

Camera Operator: Corey Eisenstein
Audio: Brett Van Deusen
Production Assistant: Patrick Sargent

Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Ben Harowitz

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%1$ Comments96

    a year later and the botez gambit proves sacking the queen is a very human strat

    0:05 I'm a 500 ELO noob, and even I saw right away how sacrificing the queen leads to checkmate. It's not some crazy elaborate checkmate in 20, I don't see how that move is any indication of cheating.

    imagine competing a player that play chess good and you accused him of cheating

    Is watching a video on his openings while playing also cheating

    Is that first queen sac that insane for a human to see? Within 2 moves you have an unstoppable attack on the king. It doesn’t feel that crazy to me

    I just thing that this examble was really bad. Is just a forced mate in 3 moves… Come on…

    That queen sacrifice was tame. If you think a human can't figure that out, then go search for Bobby Fischer's famous queen sacrifice 70 years ago…
    Game of the Century – Byrne vs Fischer (1956)

    They cheat at Chess because they can’t cheat at Go.

    Imagine calling levy a pro 😂
    JK love you levy

    The cover: pawn taking a queen is indeed cheating

    I’ve won 83% of my games over the last month. I’m not cheating, just only playing 1 game a day and practicing puzzles and learning a lot. My ELO will catch up and I’ll go back to a more normal win rate.

    bro levy sacing ur queen doesnt mean ur cheating

    Sometimes i get a very high accuracy and it i get worried that it looks like i cheated. But that usually only happens when the other player is very bad and leave the table open to obvious moves.

    I like a lot of things about this video. I have only played a cheater one time, I know for a fact they cheated because (at 800 elo mind you) they had a 97% accuracy and at one point sacrificed a rook, then a bishop, then another rook, and finally a queen just to pin my king against the board with some of his pawns and deliver checkmate with the two remaining knights and the bishop. It was just super crazy to see him forking over so much material when in reality he was walking my king up the board to mate me.

    AI so good, it sacrificed its king on the first move only to find me and bash me in real life

    What if I just don't know how to play chess and move the queen randomly?

    I assume there was lot of preceding moves to that queen sac? That seemed pretty intuitive to me, and I’m not very good at chess.

    I would disagree wuth the sacrifice part. Its mostly suggestible doubt at this point. And has a lot of room for discussion on it. I have friends who do see what they can do.

    you cant cheat in chess unless you make a Impossible move

    In the game of chess it's important that nobody sees your pieces. – Weebalo Grandmaster Z. Brannigan.

    Cheating is always possible, now that chess is more popular obviously cheating in chess is too, no one would care to cheat in chess if only old dudes in parks with nothing to do in their life played it.
    And if you play only people you know, that is not a thing you ever think about.

    hmm to be fair if your in that situation….you just need to see 2 moves ahead to sacrifice the queen and win o_O?

    I rewatch my moves,and I also feel I'm a bot. 😂 taking so much time do easy moves, sacrifice queen all the time, time failed but high accuracy.😂 Im more bot than human😢

    Sounds like a great way to not enjoy the game

    the random background bass sounds are absurdly annoying

    This is the best video that WIRED has put out since the PC build.

    То есть как Крамника д@очить, так пожалуйста. А как два хода просчитать, так читер. Не может человек аж два хода просчитать с жертвой ферзя.

    I invited my brother to play chess once. He finished with 98-99% accuracy vs my ~80%.
    Called him out and haven’t played since 🤷😂

    7 games is too small a sample. Analyze something with 50~100.

    If your enemy moves the king for no apparent reason, and then, 10 moves later avoids checkmate – he's cheating. It's impossible to know something is going to happen 10 moves into the game, unless you're an AI.
    Bots love winning by strategy, and being able to see 25 moves ahead allows them to place their pieces that way, so it can be helpful multiple moves after.

    Chess is one of those games where whole conversations can be had without speaking. There’s human type moves then there’s bot type moves. Even if a human and bot were the same elo, they play completely different

    Great video but it’s rather distracting you have the fat bald guy who claims everything he has coated in butter is wagging narrate

    levi watching my game
    Levi : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa crazy move he sac the queen only a bot would ever do that
    me: wins
    Levi: its all cause of the queen sac bro

    How is the queen sacrifice suspicious there? It is 2 moves to checkmate. Winning the game in 2 moves is cheating now?

    I often sacrifice my queen, although usually its an accident and I lose the game

    Never cheated in my life. I'm rated ~1550 and once in a while I play with >95%. I've had 6x!! in a single game… Sometimes you just find all the right moves (most often not)

    I have not played a game of Chess in a few years until tonight. I watched a Chess video on Youtube. Then decided I would try what I learned in the video. Only to realize I had forgotten part of what I learned in that video. I lost my match against a computer. So, I decided to watch another Chess video which happened to be this one.

    The first move could be me, an obvious winning move or just the biggest blunder of chess history

    Wow I must be a bot because I look for a queen/queen trade every match. Why? Because people tend to use their queens better than I do and I play better without queens on the board. The queen is just king number 1 to me. Well, I know I'm not a bot so logic tells me this guy probably doesn't actually exist and is an AI generated video. No human being is that stupid and must be the result of meticulously planned subroutines running nothing but errors and faults.Nice try, robot AI guy thing. AI has a long way to go. Looks realistic, acts unrealistic. Obvious bot is obvious.

    I can see a ~1400+ player seeing that Queen sacrifice in order to win, assuming it’s a traditional game and not blitz.
    I would spot a bot if mate came in 3+ moves after the sacrifice.

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