Daniel Naroditsky plays Hikaru in Bullet | 10 Games

Danya plays a 10 game bullet match against Hikaru Nakamura after the Chess.com tournament- Bullet Brawl (the score is 5-2 at the start due to the games they played in the tournament; I made a video of those games- )

Clips from GMNaroditsky Twitch-

#chess #hikarunakamura #danielnaroditsky #chesscom #bulletchess

%1$ Comments377

    I’m so proud of Daniel not getting adopted!

    how can these people be grandmasters? I mean, 10-1!? its like a pro vs an amateur. The 1 was for the honor, it don't count. 10-0.

    I'm so used to seeing Hikaru takes takes takes with the occasional wooden shield or of course the Kebab positional variation from his perspective. Now watching him play Daniel you know how brilliantly fast Hikaru is, top 6 in the world so it shouldn't be a surprise.

    It is 3-14 final result, Happy Pi day everyone.

    Me when playing bullet games 😂😂😂… this is far beyond the sky

    Daniel is playing all calmly, but I can imagine Hikaru head-bopping throughout the entire match… I checked Hikaru's video of this afterwards, and sure enough! Haha

    On that 9th game, it is insane that Hikaru knew he was going to lose only a few moves in after he accidentally castled.

    Ive been really proud of my chess lately. I'm close to hitting 1800 in otb chess.
    So once in a while I think "Oh wow, i finally grasp the basics of the game, how nice."

    And then I see a GM doing this: 5:25
    And I'm immediatly reminded of how little I understand about chess.

    Daniel literally went: "woops, missclick, meant to castle queenside" and casually moved his king 5 times 😀

    Daniel: Can’t give me a winning position every game
    Hikaru: r U SUrE abOuT THat

    Hikaru compensated for getting Demolished By Danya’s bot

    Bulshit! Too much talking nonsense.. just WIN the whole game, not just opening..

    The optimism slowly draining from his soul with each loss

    Only win was because Hikaru made a mouse slip. He wanted to play rook b8 but castled long instead. Absolutely monstrous play by him.

    People that play at this level are unbelievable.

    The thing is Hikaru did his move while talking to his chat.

    Yet, when watching Naka's stream everything seems so simple. Even I get it. But, alas, I am 1500 in bullet and can't break through for ages, and never will:( But I love my chess, and I am trying to get rid of this addiction.

    Never congratulate your opponent. They are the enemy in your mind. Unless it's to throw them off otherwise it might likely throw you off. Friends outside of the game enemies within.

    The fact that you get about 1 second to tilt before the next game is the hardest part about this

    It’s crazy in comparison to Hikaru where he’s just making jokes and peeking at chat while playing

    I never know who to cheer for when my 2 most favourite players are playing against each other. I hope these two will have a rematch some time soon and I wish to see Danya in a better shape. Thank you for creating entertaining content

    I'm curious, at around 1:00 it would appear you could trade your bishop for his queen, but you elected not to. Probably for a good reason as I'm a braindead chess player lol, but I was curious when I saw this

    This is instructive as fuck I love it. Pausing to look at positions a bit more makes for a wild ride. I feel for him, rough streaks suck, but I'm so grateful he and other greats are showing us so much of their play. Thanks for the dope clips

    Danya getting a smother mate wins him the set!!

    Lol holy Jesus. Hikaru needs to chill with the adderall.

    9-1 score… But that one was quite something

    Hikaru is just fast. Remove his speed and he’s 2800.

    He almost adopt you . But well played both of you

    lol this dude is delusional. He’s only a grandmaster. He’s playing a super GM who is ranked number 1 in the world for bullet chess and beats and ties magnus often enough. These guys have egos and they can’t admit that they aren’t anywhere even close to being in the same level. Hikaru is eating a subway sandwich while playing this.

    At 2:24 you could have taken his queen with the horse, he blundered there, ok he take the horse with the tower but then you get tower with queen

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