Dear Youtube, #2 vs #3 World Rankings

Hikaru played in the Chess 960 event at St Louis Chess Club today and played a game vs GM Fabiano Caruana, 2 Time World Champ Challenger!


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%1$ Comments58

    It is SO MUCH NICER to see a Hikaru Review with NO SILLY FLASHING ADVERTISEMENT OR SCROLLING BANNER! It really (really) makes a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE! If you continue this, I might be a lot more inclined to purchase any merchandise or even send in (another) cash donation. Please do NOT pollute the screen with unnecessary FLASHING and FLICKERING! – j q t –

    Hikaru used so much of his brain that his shirt is looking short in comparison to his face

    What was the time control for t he tournament?

    11:00 Seeing Hikaru miss a mate in 1 while analysing a game makes me feel a lot better about all my blunders.

    Hikaru: I don't play well in this event.
    Also Hukaru: and from this position i played 25 moves in a row like an absolute god

    Hi ! My name is Viktor and I'm looking for an English partner for speaking practice
    I'm chess coach. My current English level is pre-intermediate, but I always improve it to reach the highest level
    I want to practice English for 1 hour two or three times a week ( morning's or afternoon's). If you want to try just let me know🙂🙃😉
    See you

    “There’s no reason to hang a rook for no reason” – Nakamura Hikaru

    Congrats, great analysis, as always, but was there any lady in bed…or just chess?

    I love Chess960. It has to do with what Bobby Fischer wanted, it is about playing chess not memorizing openings.

    Thx – I hope you're enjoying the tournament. It looks like it could be fun.

    Hilary , I’ve plateaued at 1350 elo , I struggle to find middle games idea or struggle to make them work …

    Hikaru: I'm Happy to have the bishop pair in this endgame
    Also Hikaru: Trades the dark square bishop for the knight on the next move

    I really like Chess960 because basically every game is theory. While it's need to see SGMs outplay eachother with specific openings in the main game, it's also neat to see which GM is more adaptable to new situations in chess every game

    I've heard of Fischer Random, but I didn't know anyone played it. It looks like the skips the traditional openings, and gets right into the middle game. Looks fun.

    Guys where do they stream Fischerrandom? What's the yt channel?

    I'm very pleased with deep analysis from Super GM. Very instructive, keep it up. Go Hikaru!

    I wish i could see these moves in a game

    more words of wisdom: "There's no reason to hang a rook for no reason." Sounder chess logic than this is hard to come by.

    hikaru, ive absolutely plateaued at 450 elo. can you make a middlegame/endgame video?

    I'm favoured, $60K every week! I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America❤️❤️❤️

    We should all take a moment to appreciate Hikaru's dedication the vid is out an hour or so after the games.

    I love his face just before he starts his intro

    bro forgot actually hikaru is rank 1 in fischer random

    Watching Hikaru at night is only for chess chads

    How would castling in this position work? Would you just have to move the knight to castle kingside? What about queenside? And where would the king and rook end up?

    That "Welcome back everyone" gets me every time 😂❤

    Make a new account from zero elo get up to 2000elo and gift it to a random subscriber

    Hikaru’s right, there IS no reason to hang a rook for no reason

    Hikaru seems like the guy to lick his finger before turning a page on e-book

    It is late at night, you know what we are doing.

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