Desperate Chess

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%1$ Comments732

    why not just take the queen with rook instead? you'll be up a queen

    There was no need to sacrifice the queen

    Edit: what am I not seeing?

    The last one are we really suppose to give up our queen can't we just take the black's queen ?

    What if I move my queen to f3 to save my queen and protect my rook? Is that a good move? Or is the objective is to just trade material and win points?

    I don’t get this guy, he teaches people how to win In Chess against people who can’t even see 3 moves ahead, against any decent players these moves will never work

    Your face when you said pause the video lmao

    And then he sacrifices……..AND GET ATLEAST SOMETHINGGGG BACKKKKK!

    I taught it was black to play and taught to take bishop above White's king and capture White's Queen with pawn ♟ next move.
    I was correct just wrong bishop lol but desperato anyways so yea

    In the last he should have said or you don’t!!

    Did this in a game without realising or learning what it was, thought, if I’m gonna get captured wherever I go I’ll go out taking a pawn

    Some old grandpa: In our days it was called kamikaze

    I dont play chess, but is the last one not just a bishop queen trade?
    If you just take the queen i feel like you get a better endgame with your queen still on Board?

    I got today a mat in 6 moves only. That bot like an idiot uncovered his king my queen was able to threaten it knight Prepared a bit earlier prevented pawn from capturing my queen and then In just two moves my bishop stands by his king

    Qg7 takes bishop with check, and then rook takes the queen

    Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca: This is what is called intermediate move, or how they say in Germany, Zwischenzug
    Levy in 2023: I give you, Desperado Chess

    In the last example you win a bishop, not a queen

    Why when levy said do you ever feel i thought of like a plastic bag

    I feel he should’ve told us who was to move in the last video lmao

    They can just take the queen, did you miss that?

    Levy, when I first started watching you I was 600. About a month ago I was elated to tell you I doubled my elo to 1200 all from watching your content. Lately your content has been getting worse though, because I slid back to 1145, again, all from watching your content. You need to pick it up my guy. Lay off the shorts.

    I played chess against randoms using a bot and through around 4 matches later i noticed the bot was very good at seeing these desperados like 2 moves before and would always be satisfying seeing the bot get the last laugh

    Por qué mataría mi dama si ya tengo la dama de mi rival

    Gotham: …and you win the game!
    Me: blunders all my pieces

    Why didn’t you just put his queen in check

    Chess is interesting. Is full of those moments where you realize that something that you do all the time has a name and it's a thing

    I don't get the last part, why didn't he just take the queen instead of sacrificing it for a bishop. That's a negative 6 points of potential gain

    Ommggg!!!! I love tho Chanel bro it is so good licks and subbed tytytty with your help I am 250 Elo and climbing!!!!

    I'm confused for the last one. If it's your turn and the queen isn't in danger why don't you just take their free queen? You didn't sac a queen for a queen and a bishop but instead for just a bishop.

    In the last situation would you not just take the queen and keep yours? Queen + Rook vs Rook + Bishop?

    For the last example, you can move the queen to h4, and it would still live. It's not in a desperado.

    naw for the 3rd example, if u just take the queen, queen = 9pts rook and bishop = 8pts so you would be up 1 point

    "can you find the desperado move here?"

    me: uhhh, (black) queen to g2, taking that bishop?

    the answer: the white queen taking a bishop but in a different location 🤦

    i'm learning. i got the same idea. i know who captures and which one gets captured. i just don't know which color to move

    I don't know about me winning the game. I think I'd still find a way to lose that game.

    i never knew that but i did that anyway

    Why should i sacrifice a queen for a bishop and only then take the queen with the rook?

    On the last one I paused the video but I didn’t know if it was black or white to move so I tried to find the best move for both sides. I got the same answer as Levy for white, but for black I thought it was Bishop to d4 check.

    I genuinely thought there was going to be some lesson about how this is actually the wrong move. I feel deprived.

    You could have taken the bichop later though, it was pinned anyway

    but why did the last one sacrifice the queen tho?

    In the second clip can't the white queen just go to h5 and avoid it?

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