Desperate Chess

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%1$ Comments732

    Me wondering what the hell the queen on the third board was doing.

    jokes on you Levy in that final position I would still find a way to lose the game

    How is the last one a desperado?? I dont see anything

    "do you ever feel desperate?"
    yes, levy, more desperate than you think

    The situations was a bit unclear, which side was I supposed to use the desparado form

    “And you win the game”
    300 rated players: no i don’t think i will

    My dumbass thinking I am playing as black 😂😂

    ‘And you win the game’

    Proceeds to blunder rooks and bishop

    When you get falsely accused of rape so you rape her anyways: desperado

    Bro are you dumb why would I win 3 points when I can do it for straight 9 in last one

    Damn just realized desperado is a skill from payday 2

    ‘If we burn, you burn with us’ – the Art of War

    the queen sac isnt worth it in my opinion

    "Well, well, well boys, looks like we got a Mexican standoff…"

    Bro in the third example the queen is free #my bad it is not free

    Do you ever feel desperate? Yes.. oh he is talking about chess, nevermind.

    Or, as TopChess says, “Wakanda forever!”

    im the last you just take the queen wtf

    You need to sacrifice first………THE QQUUUEEEEENN

    i mean… i couldn't find it because i didn't know who's move it was and you didn't tell me.

    I'm new at chess. Why not just take the free queen? You win six more points of material than if you were to trade queens and take the bishop

    Do I get credit for Qxg2 because I thought I was playing black in the last example

    Bruh really have a choice not to lose the queen in the last video

    Wait thats a thing because I've done it many times now

    "And you win the game"
    You underestimate my stupidity and ability to choke

    I must be missing something here, that last example is a worse trade than just taking the queen for free, right? If you take the bishop with the queen and then take the queen, you’re up a bishop, but if you just take the queen, you’re up a queen and the bishop is still pinned.

    You can just take the queen in the 3rd puzzle, no consequences, you win a queen and black is in a losing position

    Is the last position genuinely a desperado situation? It seems to me that the white queen is not inevitably lost, given that Qf3 or Qh5 moves it to safety while maintaining defence of the rook.

    I understood that the term was only used when a piece has no escape and is definitely going to be lost, not merely where there is a potential trade of material – am I wrong?

    Could please tell me which do I move cause I thought it was black and I actually spent minutes trying to find one for black lol

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