Ding Liren Just Shocked The Chess World

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%1$ Comments176

    But he didn’t beat the champion did he?

    The commentators compared to Ding Liren were like 1200's compared to the commentators.

    Now let's face the true world champion Magnus Carlsen😂😂

    Rest in piece Magnus, hopefully he'll come back to life

    Why the ** would you immediately start a video like that. I hadn't finished watching all the matches, and you forced the outcome on me

    Maybe they can do Ding vs Magnus for the actual title

    Damn ding-a-ling is now our new world champion huh

    Magnus is such a G. Like yea, Ding won but everyone knows he isn’t the champ. Magnus seriously screwed these guys over when he decided that defending his title wasnt worth his time. It makes everyone who holds it to basically be interim title holders, never truly accepted as the best.

    “Shocked the chess world” I mean, maybe if he defeated Magnus, but he didn’t. No one cares

    Magnus having a cup of tea and enjoying with hundreds of brilliant moves possible in his head 😎😎😎😎

    Can’t be world champ unless you beat Magnus. If only they actually could challenge

    He might be world champion but he isn‘t the best
    Magnus Carlsen would have eaten him

    Ian having a full blown panic attack at the board broke me. The perpetual second place

    Feel bad for Ian, but lets be honest, if he played against Magnus it would not have even been close.

    I watched all of the games, it was so intense.

    For the world championship they could have played to the end

    meanwhile in magnus' universe….. 😎😎😎😎

    Ding is now officially the second best player in the world! 🎉🎉

    Se que tienes hambre, así que os comparto una receta para una deliciosa tarta

    – 4 muslos de pollo con hueso
    – 1/4 taza de miel
    – 3 huevos
    – 1 taza de harina
    – 100 gramos de chocolate negro
    – 1 taza de nata líquida
    – Sal y pimienta al gusto
    – Aceite de oliva


    1. Precalentar el horno a 180°C. Engrasar un molde para tarta con aceite de oliva y reservar.

    2. En un bol grande, mezclar la harina con una pizca de sal y pimienta al gusto. Agregar 1 huevo y mezclar bien hasta obtener una masa homogénea. Si la masa está demasiado seca, añadir un poco de agua. Estirar la masa con un rodillo y colocarla en el molde para tarta. Pinchar la base con un tenedor y reservar.

    3. Colocar los muslos de pollo con hueso en una sartén con aceite de oliva y cocinar a fuego medio hasta que estén dorados por ambos lados. Retirar del fuego y reservar.

    4. En un bol, batir los 2 huevos restantes con la miel hasta que estén bien combinados. Agregar la nata líquida y mezclar hasta obtener una crema suave. Añadir los muslos de pollo a la crema y mezclar bien.

    5. Verter la mezcla de pollo sobre la base de la tarta y asegurarse de que esté bien distribuida. Hornear la tarta durante unos 30 minutos o hasta que la base esté dorada.

    6. Mientras tanto, derretir el chocolate negro en un baño de agua caliente o en el microondas.

    7. Cuando la tarta esté lista, retirar del horno y dejar enfriar durante unos minutos. A continuación, verter el chocolate derretido sobre la parte superior de la tarta, extendiéndolo con una espátula para cubrir toda la superficie.

    8. Dejar enfriar la tarta en la nevera durante al menos 1 hora antes de servir.

    ¡Y listo! Ya tienes una deliciosa tarta salada de muslos de pollo

    Too bad you cant really call it a world championship since they didnt beat the champ

    its a shame china doesnt rep for him as much as they should. dudes a legend

    People of the East are the next rising star. Ding Liren is a real genius with hardwork. He has defeated Magnus Carlson as well this week.

    Meanwhile Magnus:
    I quit the world championship for this?

    "There's always an Asian better than you"

    – Not San Tzu

    All congratulations for the good and brilliant guy, who became the new champion of the world, Ding!!!

    The world championship is not the same after Magnus quit, He's not an actual champion because if Magnus actually tried he would have won.

    Feels like NBA In 1994 and 1995 when the best of the best wasn't there to defend

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