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1v1 me in chess
Hold something cold on the itchy spot the cold will calm down the nerves
Why do they need 8 points to win? Don’t they just need 7.5?
Cement is the actual gluing and sticking part of the concrete, whereas concrete is cement with reinforcements such as sand and rock
Levy is a rich man. Surely he can afford to buy locally produced honey? Three teaspoons of honey and allergies will be gone.
… DONG!! Who's there?
concrete is solid
cement is liquid
Levy: 😑😑😑😃😃😃😃
Hikaru: 😑😑😑😑😑😁😁😁😁😁😁
Yo ding dong ripped that bong
Hold on, at 19:24 wouldn't white move his pawn to H5? How would black sac his knight?
In chess, the board is your domain
Where strategy and skill are your main
To gain the upper hand in this game
Some notes to keep in mind, for fame
Control the center, the key to success
And gain space with pawns, no need to stress
Develop your pieces quick and efficient
To gain an edge, be smart and proficient
Protect your king, castle and defend
Your pieces coordinated, till the very end
Look for tactical chances, like forks and pins
These can help you win, when the battle begins
Control open files and diagonal spaces
Can give you the edge, in strategic places
Pawn structure must not be ignored
It can impact your play, let it not be abhorred
Study openings and their variations
It helps in understanding, game foundations
Evaluate trades, before making the deal
As it can alter, your victory appeal
Stay patient, and always stay in focus
Chess is a test, for the players hocus-pocus
Learn from mistakes, to improve your skill
Analyzing your moves, to be better, with a will
So, take these chess notes to heart
And apply them in your every chess part
For victory and success, these will pave
And in chess, always be brave.
Cement is a component of concrete. Concrete is what you see and know. Concrete's typical formula is Cement + Sand + Rocks.
Now you know 🙂
4 hours of playing and the game end with draw 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Cement is like the glue that is mixed with gravel and other things to make concrete
Levy just roots for chaos 😅😂😊
Cement is the powder used to make concrete or mortar.
Concrete = water, sand, small stone, and cement.
Mortar = water, sand, and cement.
Why did the evaluation bar go down for white after white moved one piece and black hadn’t moved at all?
what need to happen to have a winner?
We feel u with the allergies levy, mine are also really bad.
Me after losing 2 center pawns, my queen, two bishops, and 2 rooks:
“The computer needs a little bit of time to catch up here.” 12:01
Btw cement is an ingredient in concrete.
Zyrtec and Flonase, daily, works for me.
Next Game Ding plays with with , the match is still worth to watch
Why is the video all black ???
What's going on with my YouTube???
Gotham just so you know cement is an ingredient of concrete 🙂
why didnt Ian passant the pawn at 4:38?!
Who does everyone want to win
Whats your chess score?
"The rook is not a knight!" -Coach Rosman
So basically, to make it simple, concrete is a mixture of gravel, sand, cement, and water, whilst cement is just cement, it's made from a kind of clay, the resistances to strains are not comparable for obvious reasons
Go China
Levy cosplaying as my doorbell
Concrete is the building material, cement is an ingredient of concrete along with water, sand, large and small agregate and sometimes admixtures.
I've watched like 4 championships as they unfolded, and probably dozen more recaped – this is by far the best one so far, probably the only one better was Tal winning the title from what I saw. This is insane how they threw the theory out of the window to play this raw, human, undiluted chess… For a freaking title.
It’s the most exciting since Karpov – Kasparov. However, compared to these matches it’s second rank.
Ding’s play is so exciting to watch, so creative. I’m rooting for him.
i have become addicted to "the gotham pause" just before levy starts speaking. it's like he boots up real quick.
And he sacrificed the…
ROOK!!!! 13:32
Spoiler blocker
Yes. Just put as many brilliant icons on your thumbnail.
Edit: I think Levy saw this comment and that's why he's talkin about the brilliant icons and goofy faces on his thumbnail in game 11 ;-; I didn't mean to roast it though. Nothing wrong with it. I feel very shouted lol.
Cement is an ingredient of concrete, concrete is a mixture of aggerate and cement + water.
16:31 why not moving the e6 knight to g5, that protects the other knight and opens an attack on the bishop?
It’s all fun and games until you realize magnus would still win without trouble
Levy Stop the Cap, fuck your alergy bs, we all know you have been smoking that ZaZa ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bro posted this at 1:51am wth
Ding is a choke artist. He doesnt deserve to be in the WCC. Absolute disgrace to the game. Gives up every winning position, plays only theory, and prays for big mistakes. Hasnt even a single game came with an attack. Give us Magnus back, this is disgraceful😊
3:56 Veritasium just did a video on this. Concrete is like the liquid glue. When you add solid aggregate like gravel and sand, then you get cement.