Entire Chess World In Shock As Carlsen Gets DESTROYED In Just 23 Moves

Entire Chess World STUNNED As Magnus Carlsen Gets Destroyed In Just 23 Moves by Richard Rapport. Epic Chess by Rapport against the chess GOAT, Magnus Carlsen! This is the 2024 fide world rapid team chess championship day one.

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#chess #carlsen #magnuscarlsen #epicchess

%1$ Comments64

    Its because he is playing poker a more intellectually challenging game and he realized he wasted so much time playing chess,so when he is playing chess all he can think about is what a waste of time it is

    I'm bad at chess, but what if at this position 8:14 Rook takes d5 ?

    that chip on his shoulders just got too big

    That double exclamation mark is a very rare thing ๐Ÿ˜€

    Fucking love expressions abusing the moment.

    Its Rapid, Magnus has been going through a lot recently… and Richard Rapport is a very dangerous player. whats so shocking

    Dude looks absolutely unfazed from being annihilated ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    lol man the thumbnail at the end for the next suggested video is called
    "Magnus Carlsen Just Achieved Chess Immortality" ๐Ÿ˜€ apparently not

    Not shocking at all. Raport is one a top Grandmaster. Nothing unusual happened.

    Tu no escribes ni reescribes la historia de nadie solo la tuya

    Either he's in love, or he just broke up with his girlfriend. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Watched this game somewhere some days ago. You are late bruv.

    I have very little knowledge of chess but really enjoyed the way you explained what happened and how, good job!

    Magnus would've lost even earlier if he had castled

    Magnus one defeat cant makes him fall or history, dont create rubbish videos, after all its game, you cant eat sweet everytime, chess is a mind game.

    Now that's a marvelous step by step commentator!

    absolutely what i thought, well explained ๐Ÿ˜€

    Remember Richard Is not a 10 years kid , anda sometimes this happens

    Someone tell this guy its called a pawn not a prawn!๐Ÿ˜‚

    So he's destroyed? He's no more? One loss and its over?
    Get out of here with your clickbaity title…

    I like the part where stockfish pooped its pants

    That Nepo face must become a meme. It's too good.

    Just because someone wins against him once doesn't mean much. Whether they're really that good is yet to be proven. More sensational headlines, as usual.

    Magnus pretends to be human once in a million and people fall for it.

    I literally just learned how to move pieces and this is just amazing

    You have to lose a few matches every now and then.

    People turn everything to a negative

    Could have been worse for Magnus. Like if Richard left him waiting for 2.5 min before the first move.

    He will most likely accuse his opponent of cheating again ^^

    We used to have to get up 30 minutes before going to bed to dream of playing on a real chessboard. This generation, spoiled rotten ….

    The puns/jokes are killing me ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Sometime we all need a kick in the rear to recalibrate our efforts

    Beautiful game nicely analyzed. Chess not only hurts like hell, it is elegant as heaven as well.

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