FIDE Candidates 2024 Rd 13 | Hikaru, Gukesh or Ian? Who’ll Survive The Pressure On Penultimate Day?

The FIDE Candidates is the biggest classical chess tournament of the year! Hikaru, Pragg, Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, and more will fight in a double round-robin for the right to challenge Ding Liren in the 2024 World Chess Championship, and for their share of the €500,000 prize fund.

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#chess #fidecandidates #gmhikaru

%1$ Comments59

    Desde Polonia, los saluda un mexicano! 🇲🇽🇵🇱

    Incredible gameplay. Incredible commentary. Nice job all.

    Unbelievable candidates and R13. One of the greatest rounds and tournaments I've ever seen. Thank you for this amazing casting to show this day!

    I'm not a chess expert nor practitioner and here is my 2 cents:
    I find commentators that utilize the engine in their commentary somewhat distasteful since it kills the problem solving aspect of it.

    Gukesh is the next World Chess Champion. I signed it!

    shout out to the organizers who arranged these matches in a way that no 2 players from a same country can face off in the final round.
    not accusing anyone of unsportsmanship behavior but if gukesh was facing pragg or vidit in the last round we could possibly have drama, but that possibility is eliminated by the brilliant organizers.

    Man what a commentary!!! This is why I love Danya-Hess duo.

    Amazing commentary ! These guys know that they are talking about and comment the games as exciting as possible!

    One of the most existing candidates in recent memory

    I reckon Fabi and Gukesh will tie for top spot and Fabi winning on tiebreaker. Well played GM Gukesh!

    What great play by Gukesh. And credit to AliReza as well. Created so many threats. He has had the toughest luck. So many games where he could have won or drawn.

    Special Thanks to the commentators for the brilliant job… Kudos… chess24 is the best streaming channel that I found so far for this coverage….

    Naka will frustrate this leader in the last round.

    I always rooted for gukesh over prag..because gukesh always plays fighting chess. Prag just wants to draw in super gm tournaments. And is being handily punished in the candidates. Great players both but gukesh simply wants to attack

    Todo por decidirse mañana, torneo histórico!!!

    Great commentary from Daniel and Robert and a great tournament.

    Nice, Ian and Hikaru went for a relax – and Gukesh and Fabi took their front seats!

    Classic firoujza…
    I really rooted for a draw there…

    I want Hess, Danya and Leko for the final round. Please bring Peter Leko back 🙏

    @Mathias Jepson .
    Can you update your progress of learning Chinese.

    This is the best candidates tournament and this three guys (hess,dania and anish) are the best combination of commentators.

    Dude, I am so done listening to these engine warriors commentate the game. It's extremely unprofessional as a commentator to criticize the players in this way. Notice that when Anish puts them on the spot to come up with a move, they all scurry away. Chess24, get some professional commentators please. Not these amateurs.

    18yo world champion would be an "omg" and "wtf' moment at the same time lol

    56:45 Nimzowitch quote "the threat is stronger than the execution" Some of the best casting and analysis from everyone involved I've ever seen.

    1:05:41 speaking about how they are human and then proceeds to list 9 moves after without showing it haha.

    Hikaru made "Black is the new White"

    I'm a Filipino but my bet is Gukesh to win this candidates. He is a silent exterminator. Gukesh and Nepo…in the final match.

    i am gonna wake up whole night to watch the finaleee… what a tournamentttt…..

    Let’s go Naka or Gukesh. We don’t need a 3rd Nepo championship

    29:00 Why is their coverage so bad? Why are we hearing the most facile analysis instead of how Ian looks like he's in physical pain?

    Miss gukesh fought back without missing… Very good GM Guki 🎉

    man. gukesh even knows how all the pieces go to start up the next game!

    Giri on the broadcast, speculated that Nakamura may have mixed up his opening lines.

    Nakamura: "I mean, there's a reason I'm here and Anish Giri is not here.”

    Giri's observation was fair. Naka blitzed all his moves up until exd5 (SF first choice by far) then played Qxd5 after 20 minutes thought. Then answered Ne4 (again SF first choice) with the weak Qd8. SF has white nearly winning there with d5! instead of Bc2.

    Alireza…. you stop playing chess… you are done for life.. your pity put all others to soup

    If gukesh had won against that aleriza 😢 that day

    Gukesh justifying he admired MSD🧊🧊

    Rooting for Gukesh to be the youngest WC in the history of modern chess

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