Game 4 Just Ended! || Can Alireza Survive The Attack and Go 4/4?

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Firouzja, Alireza (2763) – Shchekachev, Andrei (2506)
Alireza Firouzja’s Race to Candidates ( [03] 2023.12.19
B42 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Bd3

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 d5 6.exd5 Qxd5 7.Nc3 Qxg2 8.Be4 Qh3 9.Qe2 Nf6 10.Bf3 Bc5 11.Nb3 Be7 12.Bf4 O-O 13.O-O-O e5 14.Bxe5 Nc6 15.Bxc6 bxc6 16.Rhg1 g6 17.Rd3 Qh6+ 18.f4 Bf5 19.Rdg3 c5 20.Rg5 Be6 21.Na5 Rfc8 22.Kb1 Kf8 23.Nc4 Nd7 24.Bd6 Re8 25.Bxe7+ Rxe7 26.Qf3 Rb8 27.Na5 Ree8 28.Nc6

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%1$ Comments133

    1 – imagine WESLEY SO, THE NEPHEW OF BOBBY FISCHER, wins the candidates and then beats liren and then becomes the 1st ever player to become both classical WFRCC & classical WCC

    unlikely unless the candidates suddenly becomes

    – classical 9LX

    – classical armageddon w/ auction

    – both of the above

    – knockout (either single or double i guess) w/tiebreaker not rapid but classical armageddon w/ auction

    it's still unlikely even if liren drops out and there's a 2nd place thing again but still a fun thought lol.


    besides as far h uncle bobby is concerned.

    2a – wesley has nothing to prove in regular chess anymore

    2b – wesley has nothing to prove in rapid 9LX

    2c – wesley has something to prove in classical 9LX if it's next gen. imagine hans vs wesley in 2024 classical WFRCC finals. it's like bobby fischer vs anatoly karpov (bobby fischer vs garry kasparov was the 2019 WFRCC finals, proving ultimately that bobby would've EASILY defeated garry in classical 9LX)


    ok i've been complaining for 2 years that wesley didn't get a wildcard in the candidates for 9LX reasons even though fabi & hikaru got wildcards in the 2019 WFRCC quarter-finals (equivalent of 9LX candidates) for chess reasons.

    (yes, hikaru too. 2018 unofficial is only 2 players & both were chess wildcards. but unfortunately no, magnus indeed deserved a wildcard into the 2019 WFRCC semi-finals)

    but i guess that's now moot.


    but still wesley should get a wildcard in the 2024 WFRCC if it's going to be classical (at least 60min) again like 2019 not rapid in 2022 (32.5min)


    finally, magnus garry hikaru daniil, veselin, liren, piers morgan, george bush are bad guys (allies of evil). wesley, bobby, hans, sergey, vlad, nepo, andrew tate, donald trump are good guys (axis of evil).

    so they're both evil in different ways: allies of evil vs axis of evil as described in:


    like tax collector vs pharisee,

    like (iran iraq north korea) vs (US UK Japan Australia)


    wow i can't believe someone actually reached the end of this comment. well thanks for reading. merry christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays



    2023 USCC – Atousa almost beat Carissa Yip, the eventual winner!

    Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.







    2nd: Hans Niemann = next Bobby Fischer

    – Wesley So = current Bobby Fischer

    – Bobby Fischer's ghost = old Bobby Fischer

    – Beth Harmon = Bobby Fischer in another universe

    Each of these 4 'is a prodigy, had a rather dark childhood and is American'.

    Speaking of Wesley So

    Hikaru's (the rapid WFRCC) wife almost beat Wesley So's (the classical WFRCC) girlfriend!

    2023 USCC – Indeed Carissa Yip won and thanked Wesley So as her secret second in the 2023 USCC closing ceremony speech.

    But in Carissa vs Atousa, Carissa was losing most of the game. Atousa just blundered in the end.

    move 54 for black is an 8-move equality puzzle

    it's so sharp

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "1Q5k/3r1rn1/p3N3/Pp1p2P1/1q2p3/1B2R2P/5P2/6K1 b"]

    1… Kh7 2. g6+ Kxg6 3. Rg3+ Kf6 4. Nxg7 Rxg7 5. Qf4+ Ke6 6. Qh6+ Kf5 7. Rxg7 Rxg7+ 8. Qxg7 Qxb3









    blame FIDE they let Ding do it and now Ali follows

    Antonio: It's not hard to spot, I'm sure you guys will see it right away.
    Me: Yeah… that's what I did.

    I actually predict the future, the next two rounds opponents will resign as well

    Your videos have a way of making me feel good.

    There is so much hype about candidates. that's probably because everyone has real chance to become world champion in absence of Magnus

    I don't understand all the fuss on Alireza, it would be nice to see him play the Candidates. Wesley is strong, but he already peaked and he doesn't seem to have a problem with this tournament.

    THAT'S tournament is a joke! HE'S a cheater by standards playing lowly PLAYERS he got paid! This is FARCE!😊

    Alireza can win only against "cooked" players with a 2400 rating.

    This combined tournament is the death of the Chess. Disgusting.

    The question should be can Alireza go 4/4 and survive the attack (from…)

    I thought Wesley was going to play 1000 1200-rated players and move ahead of fizzy.

    Ali showing middle finger to fide organizing this tourney. He is "guaranteed" to overtake Wesley 🤣🤣

    Where is gotham chess video when you needed him. This is a drama/scandal.

    I feel like Alireza has done nothing wrong. The rules are the rules. Any insinuations of cheating (without proof that is) don't seem to have any legitimacy. Alireza is playing splendidly and taking advantage of this loophole in the FIDE rules. Nothing undignified in that! Btw great game!

    Alireza playing lower rated old people to qualify for the candidates is plain disgusting.

    Call kramnik to name this event 😅

    Prev world champions will tell u…u can't be a World champion by being cheap and cringey…
    If the mentality of this guy is to get to the Candidates by being cheap…that's where his limit is…Candidates…

    “Survive the attack”. That’s funny. A bunch of guys recruited to lose.

    I learned so much from agadmators he clears to elaborate winning position 😊😊😊.teddy kalaw.from.Philipinnes

    I wish Wesley and Alireza could both be in the Candidates.

    Why is there only "one move" for Alireza to win? He's so far ahead on material that any move that avoids immediate checkmate or perpetual will end up as a win. E.g., what about Qd7? Can't his king can escape via f8, e7, d6?

    Also, the moves listed in the description are wrong — they are the moves from the previous video.

    I can't find the tournament that ALIREZA is playing now.. Where can I watch it??

    Imagine all you haters commenting on staged tournaments when Alireza goes 5.5/6 drawing with black. I Dont even wanna know how much your little brains shortcircuit

    I'm not sure if the people drawing parallels to Ding are serious or not. Underperforming this year is all on Alireza, unless he was under mind control causing him to lose Elo. Farming washed up GMs is disgraceful. People actually wanted Ding in the candidates because everyone knew he was a very strong player who kind of got shafted by COVID and his situation. No one is going to support Alireza here, FIDE rules are irrelevant to people's indignation. Do you really think anyone gives a damn what FIDE's opinion on what constitutes an honest competition is? Not to mention there are several players people have disliked across sports everywhere, regardless of if what they did was "in the rules" or not.

    Why is there so much anger towards Alireza in the comments? Can someone explain it to me?

    I repeat, I'm American but I prefer Alireza in the Candidates, because the French Man has a more exciting-tactical-game!!

    The way you're all complaining it's like he's taking YOUR spot… which of us talentless hacks should tell Alireza not to chase it, even though there's no guarantee he'll ever get another chance again. Especially cause each and every one of us would do the same in his situation

    I wonder why this whole tournament itself is not called a "cheating scandal" in chess.

    This kid has lost all respect i had for him, what a farse of a ''tournament'' this is

    Tell the global news , ding is dung, he did the same thing in china before the LAST candidates, otherwise he would not have gotten in.

    At this point ,, slimy is the best adjective, filthy jerk is another

    Wesley earns it by beating top players, Ali Reza hand picks his opponents. Lame as fuck.

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