Game 4 Just Ended! || Can Alireza Survive The Attack and Go 4/4?

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Firouzja, Alireza (2763) – Shchekachev, Andrei (2506)
Alireza Firouzja’s Race to Candidates ( [03] 2023.12.19
B42 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Bd3

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 d5 6.exd5 Qxd5 7.Nc3 Qxg2 8.Be4 Qh3 9.Qe2 Nf6 10.Bf3 Bc5 11.Nb3 Be7 12.Bf4 O-O 13.O-O-O e5 14.Bxe5 Nc6 15.Bxc6 bxc6 16.Rhg1 g6 17.Rd3 Qh6+ 18.f4 Bf5 19.Rdg3 c5 20.Rg5 Be6 21.Na5 Rfc8 22.Kb1 Kf8 23.Nc4 Nd7 24.Bd6 Re8 25.Bxe7+ Rxe7 26.Qf3 Rb8 27.Na5 Ree8 28.Nc6

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%1$ Comments133

    FIDE: you don’t like all these farmers events out there that we unleashed with our idiotic candidates rules? Best we can do is abolish term limits.

    Alireza will be criticized forever about the way he pushed himself into to the candidates

    Go Alireza he has a great style very effective offense I’m rooting for him

    what happens if alireza wins one and draws one tomorrow? does he overtake wesley?

    Alireza should make this kind of tournament every week and get back to 2800.

    I can honestly say that i didn't enjoy this game much. Because watching opponents with 250 points rating difference is rather boring. It happens that weaker player wins. And it is fun to watch. But it is expected for a stronger player to win, so what's the point?

    What is the deal with alireza? Everyone seems to be saying these are set up or something? Someone fill a newbie in.

    I realize these games are high stakes for their implication on the Candidates Tournament, but TBH the games themselves are pretty dull. Just a top 10 super GM curbstomping players hundreds of points lower than him.

    Don't think beating up a few semi-active Tier 3 GMs should enable qualification into the Candidates. Both the timing and set-up of this surprise tournament are suspicious. FIDE should flex and ignore the result. Alireza is better than this and should qualify in the next cycle in the usual way

    These games are interesting to say the least…

    This is analogous to a high school jock taking on a group of toddlers. It’s unseemly and not a good look for chess.

    the french player doesnt have what it takes to beat the iranian jerk

    Alireza adopting these old timers like they were born yesterday

    Alireza should be ashamed of himself.

    People don't consider how many points Alireza will lose if he loses!!!

    This is a sad day for chess. Any form of integrity and fairplay has been shattered by Alireza.

    He needed Kasparov to play the Kasparov set up.

    They should have the next best 4 in the ratings have a mini tournament for the last candidates place

    If Alireza manages the 6/6; please cover the Simultaneous exhibition he gave on your channel!

    There is no honor in this. This maybe valid but playing weak opponents to qualify because he can't beat stronger opponents doesn't look good. Won't be surprised if one day his goal is to exceed Magnus' ELO he will organize another tournament with weaker opponents to beat him. I liked Alireza before. No longer a fan.

    What a comical show of tomfoolery these three unkempt musketeers are putting on! They're letting Alireza toy with them without any shame. How much money will each one of them take home from this tournament?

    If it is allowed, why wouldn't Alireza try to qualify for the candidates? Hope he can bring some exciting Chess if he makes it there.

    These games however, aren't that interesting outside of seeing if he qualifies.

    This is all rather shameful and disrespectful to the rest of the top players

    I really don't think this tournament has the kind of players that it deserves coverage. It is only helping brining down the image of this channel. If this channel really wants to cover every piece of… then I better turn the notifications off.

    Chess bro is playing like a real winner! use the rules to your advantage! strike when the opponent is at their weakest. Checkmate, FIDE!

    Why shouldn't he take advantage of the rules? I think it's obviously fine to go by the rules. It's fide who messed up not alireza

    In an interview right after Alireza crossed 2800 rating, Wesley So said that he thought Alireza was a once in a generation talent and that he hoped Alireza would be come world champion.
    Wesley is a nice guy.

    Well, at least no one will ever accuse Alireza of having integrity or playing with honor, in the spirit of good competition.

    To me, just very disappointing efforts by these guys facing Alireza. So, your chance for a win goes out the window? Fight for a draw. Have some fight, don't meekly give up. If your clock runs out? So be it. Half the chess games are lost not won so give your opponent a chance to make a mistake. There is nothing ungentlemanly about not giving up.

    I see lotta Wesley fans here. Remember we are talking chess here and in chess we call it resourcefulness. FIDE provided the opportunity and everyone's trying to cash on it, if one of them is doing it with keeping his intentions clear, it doesn't count as foul play by any means. All the attention is juat because Alireza is big name.

    Why are you covering these rigged bs games Agad ? The play is sh!@. It's modern chess against a bunch of old timers who probably haven't played any significant games in 20 years. This is no different than a star basketball player crushing a bunch of 50 year old former b level players on the court. I've lost all respect for Alireza and anyone involved in this sideshow.

    Lol, people are being so salty here… If raising elo is this easy then many GMs would have surpassed 3000 rating… Magnus wouldn't be struggling so hard to get to 2900…

    Why is everyone complaining about the lack of comp? All the guys he's playing are GMs.

    Alireza is my favorite player but last tournament against super GM players showed that he isn’t ready yet.

    Wesley Fans crying like him, he didn’t play any Swiss tournament last year and sleeping on his elo , now crying on Alireza who was ahead of him for 18months

    I'd like a tournament with lower rated opponents

    Ppl in the comment section are something man. Like its easy to beat 2500+ players 6 times in a row…

    Game 4 in what event? Can we get the name of the event first thing in the description?

    Alireza is young . he could have waited for the next candidates and got in fair and square . But this is just nuts .

    i know it's for content but you should've never covered these fake games . this tournaments and every players envolve in it are disgrace to the world of chess

    waiting last two games,Alireza opponent has winning position but he Resign haha

    let him and gukesh face the Three Musketeers

    May be this is why Carlsen stopped playing for championship.

    Shamefull fishing expedition get Alireza to Candidates

    There are powerful attacking chances behind that bishop sac. Totally legit fighting chess game! Or is it?

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