Garbage Chess

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%1$ Comments540

    If you wanna last 1 min , there are other means to do that , must be suggesting to watch some pawn videos

    Yo. New chess piece have been here! And it's elo it's 9999. It's name it's star plumber

    Levy, normally I let the ads play so you can get more ad revenue, but an ad 33 minutes long played so I am sorry to say I must break my streak of ads left unskipped 🙁

    Levy, do nt to tell us that white wins that game, really

    Another example of why you should never resign in chess. I had a game where the person I was facing pretty much played perfect and I was tilted so I lost all my pieces and was down to my king and 3 pawns vs at least one of every special piece, and he moved the rook toward the bottom trying to set up a check mate but I moved my king to the only possible square and drew the game. Never give up, they may be "winning" is not a "win" remember that.

    You need to play the Levy bot now that he has the star upgrade! ⭐


    "If you want to last a minute don't play chess you have other ways to do that"

    Ladies and gentlemen he roasted us

    I personally disagree with your idea you should play 10 min games or longer to improve I personally think if you want to improve you should play a mixture of both a lot of new players can play reasonably well if they have time to calculate witch is good for helping them learn patterns and tactics however playing rapid games helps them to learn to calculate faster teaching them to be more refined in what is worth calculating and what is not.

    day 3 of asking Levy to buy me a chess board for free

    White to play and win

    Hello levy!
    I have a very interesting position, it was the first game i ever made a sacrifice and won.

    The position :

    Black –
    Pawns, a7 f5 f6 f7 h6 f3
    Rooks, f8
    king, g7

    White :
    Knights, b5
    Rooks, d1 d2
    Pawns, a2 d2 f2 h2 g6 c7
    Bishops, b3

    I hope you do it 🫥

    At first i thought this was the world championship recap, and i was like “Wow Levy really has the gall to call The world championship contestants garbage”

    If you do not understand why Levy was acting the way he was in the end of the video his worst nightmare just came to reality 🤣 being forked


    Can't close this page, levy didn't say "get out of here", I'm stuck forever, help

    At least both Players got to know how it feels when the Opponent's Queen takes almost all of your pieces.

    Sometimes Levy thinks that he’s giving helpful advice, but really all he’s saying is “you lost all your pieces because you suck.”

    I'll admit, it's pretty satasfying to see these people who rely on garbage opening traps lose so spectacularly.

    i am 900 too but why do the people i match up with are always good where can i find fools like this

    I was thinking how the pro players look for the best lines to play. How about you make a video of the worst lines to play maybe you could bring Frank make it even more funny

    Well, …you can't say White doesn't give a fork.

    On games crazy like this, it'd be interesting to know how quickly it becomes a novelty

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