Garbage Chess

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%1$ Comments540

    that was so painful at least seven percent of my brain cell died after watching the game

    You have to know heres the moves it starts with

    Nepo should watch this to cheer himself up – it happens to the best players …

    once I fell in this trap too. the problem is you also usually don't want to exchange your material with white at the beginning of game, and this is the where you make a mistake.

    Dude, thats my best game to this day….

    I have just started to play chess after watching you for a long time , I have played almost 9 games in which I have won 6 and lost 3 ( not won every game by checkmate , sometimes my opponent resigned ).
    Your videos are really fun to watch and I enjoy every moment of your video❤.
    What will you all recommend me if i am interested in learning chess more deeply and precisely , since I am just a begginer but I am really enjoying playing chess in my free time ?

    "if you want to last 1 minute don't play chess you can do something else" had me almost killed me

    We indian never thought that GMs like top player are play like this. Nothing to say. 😂

    I never thought that GMs play like noob they're play like 1elo play er. I think this GMs are will make history as a noobest GM in chess history.

    "you wanna last a minute?dont play chess, there are other ways to do it. "

    8:50 was my favorite part, how he talks like a 6 year old playing chess.
    He really sounded like Mario with that “ME ATTACK QWEENN!”

    There is no way these 2 players are 800elos they are probably something like a 100

    Levy didn't say "get outta here", because he already got inadvertently outed by such masterpiece.

    At almost 16:40 queen d6 was draw by perpetual check, 3 fold reputation or 50 move rule

    Can you teach him? I think that would be good content.

    I'm just rolling on the floor laughing🤣🤣🤣

    You wanna last a minute dont play chess there is other ways to that ~ levy

    “You wanna last a minute there’s other ways to do that.” – IM GothamChess

    The white Queen watched all of its friends die, and then avenged them in to win the game. Truly a beautiful story

    From the title and thumbnail I thought this was the game 12 recap.

    i can proudly say i've never played this badly in my life

    I've played the Blackburne-Schilling gambit a lot in 3+0, and it works very well. Either they fall for it and lose, or they take the knight and it's about equal. Also I think on Lichess it's called the Schilling-Kostic gambit.

    That guy will surely check for forks … for the rest of his life… even when sleeping. No amount of pills will cure the PSTD from this game.

    Thanks levy for your videos and courses, now I am two steps closer of finding the answer to chess and cracking that code

    I feel like hes giving me a life lesson and I love it


    You were absolutely correct. I was laughing at the end. 😂😂

    Thats why when ya want to sweat, you don't give up! No surrender, No mercy! 😂🎉

    I hate people who play gambits or scholars mate. They can't even play chess.

    bishop to c5 will create battery then queen takes pawn on f2 which leads to check mate

    My elo: 550

    Me playing vs real person: accuracy 50% and ranking after the analysis was 250 elo for me

    Me playing vs 1300 elo bot:
    accuracy 80% and after analysis it said bots ranking is 1850 elo and for me it said that I am 2100 elo 😂😂😂😂

    “If you want to last a minute, there are other ways to do it”😂

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