Garry Kasparov Answers Chess Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov uses the power of Twitter to answer some common questions about the game of chess. Why do chess players point at pieces with their middle finger? Why does the knight move the way it does? What’s the more valuable piece, the knight or the bishop? Garry answers all these questions and more!

Check out Garry’s MasterClass on chess:

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Garry Kasparov Answers Chess Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

%1$ Comments88

    I really hope they're gonna make a sequel to this video one day! 🦄 I would watch it ten times

    Ive been playing chess for one week and it is clear that the bishop is more valuable than a knight.

    This guy seems really good at chess, he could be a world champion.

    The only reason I clicked this video because of the 🤌 in the thumbnail

    I can't play the chess , even to arrange the position of the chessman , on the board game ,


    Middle finger because the first and second finger are useful for take the pieces, even the middle for indicates squares

    0:23 Eastern Europeans usually point at things with their middle finger instead of their index finger. It's a cultural thing.

    I love how he can give such an elaborate and interesting answer to such a short question as “Bishop or Knight?”

    Controlled center kings safety,this goes right back to what I just said castling is supposed to be used for the benefit of ones playing situations

    Castling is supposed to be a timing of when in a position to be used for the benefit of ones playing situations

    Benko Gambit as it known in a free world ! ++respect

    What an opening Garry, dancing to your tune? What if I tell you Fischer got the upper hand without making a move and secretly smiling. I think you're better than that.

    I used to think the bishop was better. Until i only had a knight and forked a king twice, a queen once and 2 rooks in 2 moves

    Bishop if you want to win, knight if you want force draw.

    2:11 "King safety is number one priority." Is he referencing a certain someone?

    I know this man is a living legend, but this has to be the most pretentious video I've seen on this channel

    "Bishop or knight?"
    "Well I suppose that would depend if you're religious"
    Wtf that was legitimately hilarious

    knight is better for <1600 elo, bishop wins at higher levels

    “King safety is number one priority” I thought of crazyrussianhacker 😂

    “"Bishop or knight?.", it depends if your religious or not.”- Garry Kasparov

    asking Gary Kasparov why horsi go brrr and him actually responding is something i didn't actually expect

    I really like his dry deadpan sense of humor.

    Hate the man. Nothing but respect to him when it comes to moving the pieces over the board but as someone that's representing this sport he is awful.

    “Depends if you’re religious or not” 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    The reason they point with their middle finger is because they are holding another piece between their thumb and pointer finger most of the time. 0:17 should make a good example.

    Tell me which one the top most difficult match ever you played you against strong player

    Some people would find his thoughts… interesting 🤔 iykyk

    What is the number 1 piece of advice for all players

    All my life I've been thinking that Kasparov was russian, but when I saw the thumbnail, I realised : he's actually Italian 😮!

    This is before chess became popular again, I never knew him.

    the guy seems knowledgeable. Maybe he could be a pretty good player one day

    The Knight moves the way that it does to allow it to be the only piece that can attack the queen without the queen taking it directly.

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