Garry Kasparov Answers Chess Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov uses the power of Twitter to answer some common questions about the game of chess. Why do chess players point at pieces with their middle finger? Why does the knight move the way it does? What’s the more valuable piece, the knight or the bishop? Garry answers all these questions and more!

Check out Garry’s MasterClass on chess:

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Garry Kasparov Answers Chess Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

%1$ Comments88

    I always wanted to know what GK thinks of Go… has he ever played, what is his opinion?

    I would say bishop is generally more useful but the knight allows for strategy that's otherwise impossible.

    I love how great chess players don't reject computers' abilities to play chess more successfully, but rather draw conclusions about what this says about human and machine capabilities!

    Why you wanted to train Magnus Carlsen but didn't want him to enter the same tournaments as you 🤔

    6:36 how DARE you waste his and everyone else's time with such a question lmao

    I always thought people used middle finger to point at pieces or squares because you its the longest finger and you can explain things like strategy and intentions while holding a piece with your thumb and index.

    Gary always looks like camp fire smoke is going into his eyes.

    0:06 Why do all chess players point at pieces/squares with the middle finger?
    0:29 Bishop or knight?
    1:17 Do I have to develop all of my minor pieces before activating my queen?
    2:05 Why do chess players tend to castle even if it severely restricts the king's movement?
    2:25 Should you castle short or long in these two positions?
    2:59 What is your favorite gambit opening in chess with white and black?
    3:35 Why don't Anand and Carlsen ever use something wild like the King's Gambit?
    4:08 Do you advocate the Evan's Gambit vs. a stronger player or will it be crushed these days?
    5:08 What's a good book on chess endgames?
    5:26 Is control of the center one of the most important things for winning in chess?
    5:43 How much should we read into the ability of a computer to quickly get good at chess or go?
    6:39 Why does the horsey move so crazy?

    I bet gothamchess taught this guy everything he knows.

    Kasparov is really the GOAT. He is able to answer more than 20 oponnents with his eyes closed.

    Bishops usually valued more for their longer reach and square cover but in closed formations, knights are better. So it's rather situational.

    This shows you how each one of us are really good at something, Garry maybe isn't the best boxer but as a tactician is a true monster if I played chess against him I'll be defeated in 7 seconds

    In my humble 1100 rated opinion Knight is better in lower levels of chess because it is more unpredictable and you can surprise your opponent with it much easier. Bishop also cannot access 50% of the files on the board which an opponent of even my rating will understand and play on opposite squares

    bishop or knight? …depends whether your religious or not lol

    "Don't expect carlsen to play wild openings"
    2023 Magnus Carlsen: 👀👀

    "Safety is number 1 priority" had me crack up! CRH

    You don't need to tell us who you are Gary. We know.

    The middle finger one is an easy answer, the middle finger is the largest one…

    Chess was originally developed to teach young princes about warfare. Knights – cavalry are very flexible and can jump over soldiers. I think the L-shape move signifies that. Bishops are the lancers, pawns, infantry and rooks are the siege engines

    Common YouTube joke: watch a famous person do a demo about their skill-set. Suggest that they have potential and could be good at it one day.

    What a shame that so many idiotic questions were answered by arguably the greatest player of all time. Good on him for entertaining them.

    I can beat this boomer anytime anywhere

    Just a humble weak player here, accepting the recommendations of Mr. kasparov to my kind

    – Why does the horsey one move so crazy?
    The best question.

    why did they pick the dumbest questions…..

    He seems intelligent, if he starts playing chess he could be a good player in the future

    5:17 When he says "weak player", I can feel a spotlight on my face🤕

    "depends whether you're religious or not"

    I always argued that bishops are better than knights, it doesn't take a top player to see that, I saw that when I was a kid, barely learning how to play. It's more dynamic in both range and directions, therefore more useful.

    End games the knight seem stronger than bishop.

    Knight for sure in the endgame with pawns.

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