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%1$ Comments204

    Narodisky had 2 queens and… lost? That’s insane

    I've played this opening before against several opponents. Yes they sac a rook but they get this annoying pressure due to the queen and bishop battery. totally playable in blitz

    Day 13 of asking for levy for a GTE episode

    I think this might just be a top GM, cuz u have to be very stupid to pull off such an act against a popular streamer like Danya, knowing that the games are gonna come into spotlight.

    Plot twist: it’s kramniks account and he’s trying to validate his cheating theory

    a GM is doing an experiment to see how bad of a position they can get in the opening and win anyway with engine aid. The idea is to find an opening where the win is decisive but hard to find, and all other moves lead to a solid advantage for black.

    Probably Naroditsky playing against himself with two accounts.

    Dumb question, but how did they know that account is actually a grandmaster? I assume there is some verification done before these tags appear, ya?

    What if it was bobby Fischer coming to troll? No evidence whatsoever except the fact that it's a brilliant defensive player, but imagine how funny that would be

    You'd think Naroditsky would stop taking the rook…

    Daniel just farming through the night lmao

    how do you cheat with this short of a time frame for each move?

    I think it is a cheater
    But I'd like to point at something
    If you are a GM and you play the same opening for handreds of times at some point you will play like a computer especially in this case the games were pretty much the same

    I think I too played a cheater earlier today. I did the Jerome gambit on someone, which of course is dumb, but the dude played the exact same moves stockfish played to defend against, even placing the king in a spot humans normally don't.

    This cheater must be kraminik
    He put Hikaru dialogue in bio and wanted to say that cheating and hikaru are connected

    Poor kraminik

    "I can't even imagine what we are up against" intestly sip diet coke

    Levy please write a book for 1200 elo to 2000 elo please 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉😢😢

    Could this alleged GM just have been trying out some weird openings online for research/credibility?

    It's Kramnik, using a bot, trying to make a point.

    All i am seeing is big mistakes from Daniel in key moments and somehow opponent becomes a hacker for that.

    Dude especialized on one opening and one opening only for both sides.

    This is oddly specific but whose here from a ten hour loop of pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows

    rooks are less dangerous in the early development, I think that might answer it 🙂

    I am no gm but damn i want to be banned like this 😂😂😂😂

    Sounds like he was playing himself on a second account with trying to master a opening by throwing away a rook, my guess is both players are the same and you can lock in my answer 😂 they could check the ip login data with that many games they must know if the player locations were in the same place

    Watching this video while in the hospital after being victim to a hit and run❤😭i have issues

    There is a principle in chess where taking all your opponents pieces to humiliate them, delaying mate, is considered bad sportsmanship.
    In the history of chess, centuries ago, this was done, but later was considered poor play. So I think that may be what the fair play violation is about.

    I'm surprised you didnt make a video on this account before the ban. That opening is wild.

    "Drama in the Fide circuit" is the title for your next video 😂😂

    why is it so hard to believe that someone more powerful than daniel played a rook sac challange? and just got banned on bad algorithim


    It’s clear to me that DN was playing against himself using a made up alt.

    >MFW this turns out to be Gukesh
    >MFW turns out that Gukesh watches GothamChess

    It’s Kramnik’s anti-cheating program doing research

    It seems plausible this is researchers testing an AI bot.

    I think he was just playing with himself with another account and just experimenting. Or he's playing a friend of his and experimenting a new opening😂
    Cause I don't think that's a cheater😂

    Narodisky playing stockfish without their rook so that its doable for him. That is my theory. He's training.

    Kramnik cheating using an alt account, becoming the very thing he swore to destroy

    My man was not cheating he was just being empowered by that Brazilian Phonk.

    "Vih" stands for "Vinícius" in Brazil, a very common name. "Sou" means "I am". "Vinicius I am" would be the nickname's "translation". I searched for Brazilian titled players with that name, but found only FMs and IMs, not a GM.

    Out of the millions of accounts that Kramnik reported for cheating, was this at least one of them?

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