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%1$ Comments100

    Thank you for the memes, dreams, comments, and all the support during my first tournament in 2+ years.

    A friendly reminder: I need to earn 3 GM "norms", as well as an Elo of 2500. This journey will take several years.
    Hope you are ready for the craziest story ever. This is only the beginning 🙂

    No one said it was going to be easy levy keep your head up coach.

    Levy, been following the channel since Covid. Love to hear you everyday. Today was a tough day, but you can see you are on the right path. Keep going my man!

    Good tournament, even with the loss, gained elo
    Gotta realize eanring a GM Norm after being retired for a few years was so unbelievable even if you demonstrated you are capable that would have been nuts

    Go for it, @GothamChess, such a good tournament! Keep going!!!

    Damn, you’re so f*cking useless that it’s sad at this point. Real Grandmasters win; they don’t lose.

    Is there like a "Babbler's Anonymous" that we could get Levy to join?

    today we killed a sheep and the day kinda decent till my arrogance played in and decided to pick a totally easily avoided fight then it i got claaped and the day is unique and i don't have regrets buuuuuuut annnhffhhhh screw this nonsense homie

    Levy is beyond a Grand Master ❤❤❤

    Were you expecting this score when you joined the tournament?

    Moral of the story (easier said than done): Before you put a piece on a square, ask your self one question; what will be my opponents most devastating response?

    Good luck for the next attempt!! Keep pushing!!

    Love you Levy but I don’t love the click bait titles. You are better than that!

    Watching these is like watching a good series on hbo. I dont want to end but i need to know wbat happens. Rooting for you man.

    Great run brother. Coming back to competetive play must be rough, but I think you are dealing with it better than even you could imagine. Your mental development is even visible for us. So, quit saying things like "I was devistated.", cuz us being grown ass men, we all know it's all about the struggle and keep trying and trying and trying and trying … Like your youtube carreer. You just kept trying and when the time was right, boom! Trust the process.

    You've shown yourself that you can reach to game ratings of up to 2700s over the board. You got yourself some rating points. . Take the win and proceed. Good luck!

    This was more exciting than watching queens Gambit! I'm looking forward to more of this.

    Levy will be getting that Gigachad Master title

    Following this journey has been so inspiring. As a classical musician I know all too well how crushing competition performance can be. Seeing you face down your fears to play the tournament of your LIFE has been nothing short of thrilling. Yes, it could have gone even better, but your gains are undeniable. At the end of the day, you can’t control when/where you’ll get that GM title, but you CAN keep showing up and improving, and I 100% believe that you will. You’ve shown us all that it’s always possible to stretch yourself, to overcome your boundaries, and that’s beyond inspiring. Thank you for bringing us along with you on this journey, we’ll be there every step of the way!

    why the click bait title
    i would have still watched the game even it said
    I LOST
    why lie ?

    P to G5 for black keeps a pleasant edge for black ❤

    Can you stop naming all videos GM Levy something, i am getting confused if i already saw video or not.

    Even the attitude in this is such a huge difference than the recaps from a couple years ago. Whatever you and your coach are doing about your mental is clearly working

    You’re doing great. GL Levy. You’ll get those norms.

    This was an amazing tournament. Yes, you didn’t get a norm, but to get within 1 point of one on your first tournament back and score 2.5/3 against GMs is truly impressive

    Levy that was an amazing tournament with only one loss which shows how tough the norm business is, we are super proud of you!

    Fantastic performance Levy. A norm would have been nice of course, but more importantly, you showed yourself and everyone else that you are absolutely capable of doing this. You becoming a GM is just a function of your effort and time, and that's a great situation to be in. Keep going!

    People to understand that Levi's road to gm will be the easiest till he reaches 2420.. After that, the hard road for those 80 points will begin..

    the nicest ‘get out of here‘ i've ever heard 🥲stings a little but I'm glad you took it as a way to grow and come back stronger! keep going and be your own biggest fan 🙂

    Whole video: "I am gonna win this"
    Result: 💀

    Is it me or is the playback speed alittle off.?

    You knew this was going to be a process and you should be bloody proud of the progress!!!
    You do so much more for chess than anyone else in these tournaments, might I add, while playing so well!!!

    Keep it up 😊

    Gm progress on the right trajectory! 🎉

    confident levy is such a pleasure to watch. I really hope that he keeps working on his goal and staying confident in his head. I think if he keeps this up he has a great chance of becoming a GM

    Does anybody else feel like levy is getting really close to an earring . Feels like hipster GM is calling

    Levy how do I get a refund for your book

    Honestly, this was a terrific tourny for you, Levy. You had confidence and played lights out for being tournament rusty… I actually feel bad for all the future victims that are going to be in this path to GM.. Bravo, my friend…

    we support u levy and go get them next time

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