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%1$ Comments100

    Thank you for sharing Levy. This is very inspirational.

    I’ll be routing for you until the end Levy! So excited for this journey and we’re lucky you’re taking us on the ride with you.

    My absolute favorite moment in any video that I've seen from you towards the end of your Wired collaboration where you're playing against Irina Krush. Irina describes chess as a game of "time, space, and harmony." It felt so apropos because I took up chess as a hobby in March 2024 essentially because I desperately needed all three in my life. That moment stuck with me but it wasn't my favorite. My favorite was when she shared with you that she didn't become a GM until much later in life. She was much older than the normal and told you 'there's still hope, Levy.' It's going to be so exciting watching the Gotham Chess video where you finally cross that finish line. I can't see it now. It's all happening.

    Keep going levy!!!!!!! after 2 years away and you did so well!! Keep going!!!!!!

    I join this quest with you only days ago and im already in it for the long run, love your little jokes and your confidence, maybe in the future your intuition will get better recognicing those moments where you feel very confident and thats when you should think.

    Love this channel and the low skill content but this competitive games are what you are made for and you will get GM love from PR

    You did awesome levy, be proud🎉🎉🎉

    Like Garry Casparov said:
    “King safety is your #1 priority”

    If anyone's going to become Grandmaster soon, it's Eric Rosen.

    I am looking at the final position shown at 25.05 and I am thinking to push the G5 pawn to lock the postion then take the bishop and pick up the hanging pawn. May not be a winning position but it does not leave your king hanging.

    There are only so many clickbaity titles that go with this topic of you becoming GM some day. Don't desensitise your audience dummy…
    EDIT: LMAO especially after this. I'm rooting for you Levy but jesus man… stop the fucking disrespect

    Get more Xps first, then level up! 🙂

    It is very unfortunate to see levy becoming a geriatric dingo. Best wishes.

    From International Masters to General Manager, Levy has finally realized that there is no hope for him in chess and switching career is the way forward.

    Fantastic tournament bro, keep your chin up and be proud of yourself. Perhaps the GM that your seek is the your character development all along, then perhaps you will eventually reach your goal. Keep strong brother 💪

    Sad that you didn't get your norm, Levy, but if it's any consolation watching these recaps has still been riveting.

    That was the only way levy trade rooks because if not he gets two pawns on your king side common levy

    heartbreaking bro.. we're all rooting for you. This tournament you've proved you have what it takes, keep pushing keep learning, be relentless

    Levy, please how do i sign up my game for a review.

    It's a tiny shame that you didn't get the norm, but you have to be massively proud of yourself for getting back on the horse to begin with. Gaining ELO at this point is also just as important as the norms. Keep fighting, keep educating and please please PLEASE don't think you've disappointed anyone on your channel, this is your journey and we're merely here for the ride. I'm proud of you, we're all proud of you.

    Every great march starts with one small step, and you've took it, keep marching on, we're ALL behind you.

    That hurt to watch, so I can’t imagine what it felt like at the table. So much respect for you both. Onwards and upwards!

    its like he went to see the wizard and got confidence.

    Levy Levy Levy!!!! Still so exciting. The arrow is already pointing up! You got this!

    Fall down seven times – stand up eight 🙂 Sharing this with a bunch of live and online fans must lend a totally surreal aspect to the tournament. It is a brave thing to do. Kudos.

    This just goes to show that you can do it (but pretty sure you already knew that!!), incremental gains will take you anywhere though!

    You did extremely well this tournament regardless of the norm. Keep your head up and good luck on your next one

    This is the saddest video I've seen in a while, man this sucks

    Someone help Levy with his self confidence shooting gun.. seems he lost it

    Levy, you need to trust 3…c5. No one has cracked it against me in CC play even at high levels. It is sound.

    Where can we watch the live games? Without paying

    You've learned and grown a lot lately. Tis but a setback. Keep on trucking!

    Unlucky mate, maybe next time, you were very close and looks like you are beating your nerves 🙂

    Levy, I’ve always been a fan of yours watching silently and leaving a few comments here and there, but I just want you to know I’ll always be rooting for you. Seeing the perseverance in your journey with chess is inspiring and helps me think even I can earn a title one day. Keep at it and thank you for being the internet’s chess teacher, you have reached so many souls and changed so many lives, including my own 👍🏼

    Levy my guy. I rarely comment on videos and I just want to tell you that, just keep pushing forward and ride the highs of this tourney. Though, it broke our hearts to see you lose at the end, you have proven to yourself and all of us that you truly CAN earn the GM title. Victory will come my friend, it is only a matter of time!

    Is this the closest Levy's come to a GM norm yet (genuine question)?

    GM means Get me. He’s still kidnapped. Literally yelling Let’s go in title 🥺

    It is a very tough task. You are having a great tournament. Its a win in every case. You are gaining ELO. You will one day get the norms. Cheers for the recaps!

    Vitaï Lampada by Sir Henry Newbolt

    There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night —
    Ten to make and the match to win —
    A bumping pitch and a blinding light,
    An hour to play and the last man in.
    And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat,
    Or the selfish hope of a season's fame,
    But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote
    "Play up! play up! and play the game!"

    The sand of the desert is sodden red, —
    Red with the wreck of a square that broke; —
    The Gatling's jammed and the colonel dead,
    And the regiment blind with dust and smoke.
    The river of death has brimmed his banks,
    And England's far, and Honour a name,
    But the voice of schoolboy rallies the ranks,
    "Play up! play up! and play the game!"

    This is the word that year by year
    While in her place the School is set
    Every one of her sons must hear,
    And none that hears it dare forget.
    This they all with a joyful mind
    Bear through life like a torch in flame,
    And falling fling to the host behind —
    "Play up! play up! and play the game!"

    You are playing great chess Levy, keep going and you'll get there

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