GM LEVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments352

    Sometimes I forget Levy is not only an internet chess personality, but also the second highest title attainable in chess

    Stollen is a german cake bread thing Might be a play on cookie monster.

    Came to the comment box before playing the video to check the truthfulness of the title. Ended up being confused😅

    More like CBM Levy – Click Bait Master

    Stollenmonster might be a reference to Cookie Monster 'cause there is a popular bakery brand "Stolle" in Russia. Also might be a german surname. Also also you might be right. Also also also – also.

    Stollen is a german word for either a kind of bread-cake or an underground hallway like in a mine-shaft.

    Levy never fails to include a german phrase hikaru ressurrected last week

    Do the sports psychology/therapy you know will make this happen. Do it, you've worked your whole life for this and it's absolutely possible

    I thought this was a Gotham Games video so I didn’t watch for so long

    I thought GM meant “Great Magnus.”

    'Stollen' is a German word and means 'mine tunnel' 🙂

    dude that's hilarious. I quit playing chess for a good bit around the same time you stopped competetivley playing. I just started again 2 days ago and you drop this lmfao

    I think you want it. So chase it.

    You should do whatever will make you feel the happiest, not today, but when you look back on yourself. Best wishes

    You are only one self-identification and three norms away from becoming a WGM.

    You deserve the title GM levy you deserve it!

    It's nice to see high rated players bl under a mate in 1, I do it sometimes in 1min chess and I beat myself up about it a lot.

    Yes. And get Igor Smirnov as Coach and/or Second.

    Quit fucking around and become a gm. Everyone knows you are good enough too.😊

    At 8:25 what is he talking about? The white bishop would just take the black rook and then capture the black bishop capturing the white knight?? thats 8 vs 3 points of material. makes no sense or does it?

    damn this is the 3rd time (I think) that I got jebaited and thought Levy became a GM when I saw the title 🤣

    Yes as long as it causes you more joy than dread

    In response to top comment. Trust yourself and let yourself continue to be happy. Whatever that may mean.

    19:12 Levy never fails to shove his P (pawn) into his opponent's P (position).

    Whole new meaning to Sub-Zero, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. Ice Dude just got cooler.

    Just summoned Shenron and he said it's beyond his power to grant you that title.

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