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%1$ Comments132

    India is going to break the chess history one day

    I just love everytime he says white is better

    I'll never get how people are upset at these titles.

    it's so low on my list of problems… Just how entitled are chess players actually ?

    If I was playing Magnus today I’d turn up dressed like Flava Flav.

    It's saddening to realize again and again that we value virtual drama more than real tranquility.

    At this point I don't watch Magnus, I can just look at sack the rooook guy react to him

    Levi you're the best, I really appreciate you for what you do for us

    Levy your content is great. Anyone who gets mad about extreme titles and thumbnails is like a 10 year old child with nothing better to worry about.

    Clickbait is fine, DO NOT LIE though, that's where it's scummy, simply use the content you're actually providing in an alluring way, beyond that, clickbait is perfectly fine.

    30:00 pawn f6 is winning the queen right? Trading rock and pawn for queen

    Levy, you'll never make everyone happy. Don't waste your time trying. You do you and don't apologize for being yourself.

    bro had to explain himself for 5 min to make the video 30 minutes lmao

    Levy's next viddeo when he finally becomes GM "MAGNUS HIKARU STOCKFISH BRILLIANT"

    Enjoyed Levy clarifying Hikaru just drew and wasn't on the Gotham naughty step for bad YouTube behaviour.

    I like you Levy but saying it's your job is not an argument. You chose to do this job, no one forced you.

    Levy, could you do a video explaining the chess calendar? What big tournaments are held when, like in tennis with 9 masters 1000 and 4 grand slams

    These are nice measures. Like every twitch streamer has delay to prevent streqm snipers.

    "Normal people" !? Levy, it's 2023, dude. Don't be so insensitive. What about all the f$$ing weirdoes you're excluding with that statement? Try and be more inclusive by using stronger insults.

    I'm always a bit amused when Levy tried to make things more understandable with a sports analogy, but I know sports even less than I know chess. Especially when it's a very USA-sport like basketball.

    Totally unrelated, but where is Dubov? Why has he not been competing at all?

    omg literally I was chewing my food when u can you can wath while eating

    Levy, you honestly deserve to clickbait. Because your content is always on point and very entertaining. I always look forward to your next video, keep it up man.

    titles are just clickbaits.. its the content/opinion that really matter.. magnus did not accuse anyone and really did call out how the high-level competition was handled. hikaru frowned upon magnus on that, ridiculous.

    Levy is the only YouTuber that when i get clickbaited by him, it actually feels normal and it's good

    At 13:10 the bishop can take the pawn because the knight is pinned down to rook … right?

    Gotta do what ya gotta do. No need to apologize

    The best clickbait ever.

    Did you get this idea in a dream?😂

    The self awareness makes up for the click baits

    I always feel sorry for the opponents after Magnus lost, because he will used them as a punching bags.
    Remember Fedoseev at world cup? Brutal.


    I agree with the amount of views but personally i bleieve there is a balance, where you want views but not views by people who were annoyed by the clickbait. A fine line. You did name your video way better than Hikaru IMO

    Bro Levy, I dont really watch the videos for the chess I watch them bc u dude. The chess is cool but a bit boring without the gotham flare

    Levy “Based” Rozman – Thank you for all you do Gotham. Keeping the layman informed on current events in chess and teaching us all, regardless of Elo. You are still the same entertainer that you’ve always been. You’ve brought excitement and intrigue to the game we all love. Thank you Gotham
    -Average 700 rapid player from Nebraska

    The best clickbait title came from Jerry (ChessNetwork). He simply called the video 'WATCH Magnus Carlsen get crushed'.

    Is it funny how every time when magnus defeated by not top 20 player in chess he is complaining about cheating from his opponent ?

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