Hans Banned From The Saint Louis Chess Club

Hikaru reacts to the news that the Saint Louis Chess Club has not extended an invitation Hans back to it’s 2024 events as well as cheating drama from CCT
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#gmhikaru #chess #hansniemann

%1$ Comments243

    I dont understand the tweet half way through the video. How can there be more than one winner? A tiebreaker would happen in the case of a draw. I dont really understand what hes insinuating.

    Is Hikaru going to post this week's Titled Tuesday where he got destroyed by Hans? I guess not…

    Same thing is happening in call of duty. The tournament scene and even online play is rot with cheaters. They are literally everywhere. Everyone is cheating in competitive tournaments now because there isn't enough being done to check people.

    Too bad, Hans had really mastered those salty awkward interviews. He fked around with Yassir and found out.

    I wonder if whenever Hans Niemann knows that this news is buzzing around the youtubes he gets an uncomfortable feeling in his gut?

    You need to ask yourselfโ€ฆ why Hans did so poorly at his last OTB tourney, and then he turns around on TT and crushes every one while playing online ?

    Online Hans does wellโ€ฆ OTB with strict supervision Hans does poorlyโ€ฆ

    The facts speak for themselves.

    Well it's quite clear some top players have been trying to undermine online chess. It's also clear "coincidentally" they are not the best at it when compared to their peers at their level.

    If you see Hans reaction after beating you in TT, you will understand that this guy is a psychopath. Destroying private property fits the bill.

    Well played Hicaru and the best move ever ๐Ÿ˜‚ . In Egypt, there is a famous proverb : " He killed the man , consoled his family and then he walks in his funeral ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Mf acting shocked ๐Ÿ˜‚ stop playing this bit bro

    Everyone calm down. Times are changing, all these kids that had the chance to play chess since they were 3, well look out. All of us are past due. And many of the top tier players will react as they are now I.e. kramnik peace.

    Confused on the Nepo tweet. โ€œBoth players played well, too bad only one can winโ€. How is that the โ€œbeginning of the endโ€? Of what?

    Hans destroyed a hotel room after losing 2 matches in a row in a St Louis tournament, he's currently banned for life to ever stay there again. It's known locally but never became public. The hotel is Chase Park Plaza. After this drama I'm curious to call the hotel and try to make a reservation under Hans Niemann name, would they cuss me out and hang up? Lol.

    Computer assisted correspondence chess becomes the prevailing format

    This damn chess drama never ends. Just relentlessly one after another ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    So every time a top guy loses their opponent cheated. Ridiculous. Levy is an IM but play blitz better than many GMs, so is he cheating too? What is going to ruin the game is the unfounded accusations and not actual cheating.

    Since the Magnus drama, do they have any proof that hans is cheating or are they just bullying him? Because i am sure other gm's in the past have showed a far worse behavior…

    What ifโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. Hikaru accepted the challenge

    This is what I was saying sbout Kramnik. He is saying the same thing with you literally. You got bogged down in the details.

    The ban of the brightest chess talent speaks for itself

    dang this dude is like voldemort ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I don't think blacklisting players is good hans should have a chance to play with top players

    We should boycot the Saint Louis club for this decision

    Season 2 of Hans Niemann drama is finally out!!

    moral of the story: dont be a douchebag and have a history of cheating

    I mean, im not surprised. Its almost as if the guy act unlikable on purpose.


    Hello Master Hikaru Please make videos on chess openings like gotham brother

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