Hans Banned From The Saint Louis Chess Club

Hikaru reacts to the news that the Saint Louis Chess Club has not extended an invitation Hans back to it’s 2024 events as well as cheating drama from CCT
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#gmhikaru #chess #hansniemann

%1$ Comments243

    we need vladhq to ban him or else it aint official

    not only does he look like the villan, he even acts like it too

    We need some sort of chess block chain, some sort of trust less peer to peer system that eliminates cheating through decentralized platforms

    This guy called Hans even his appearance looks demonic all the time he is posted I think there is something wrong with this guy

    I think Grandmasters, especially elite Grandmasters have a responsibility for the image of chess and the way it is perceived by the general public.. When they behave like that , destroy things like a three-year-old, who is having a tantrum, when they cheat and use computer help illegally during their games and trash talk about former world champions with an immaculate reputation then they show that they have a bad character and don`t deserve to
    get the same acknowledgement and respect other Grandmasters deserve, who don`t have these flaws in their personality.
    By the way I also think it is not appropriate, that former world champions play drunk on the internet , and spaghetti fall out of their mouth whilst playing. Or playing chess and dancing like we are in a discotheque.
    These people may be chess geniusses, but that does not justify that disgusting lack of dignity and sincerity. Is it all just about getting more views , no matter what?
    So money is the golden calf after all??!

    I canโ€™t find my keysโ€ฆ oh wait, found em! Okay bye

    Hikaru; How come no one is saying anything about Hans not giving the results of the scholarships he promised? The date he said he would announce the ten winners has long since passed….

    He didnโ€™t destroy the room, just the plastic bit covering a painting

    Hikaru bitter after getting smoked by Hans earlier this week ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    I was in a band that got barred from a certain hotel and although I wasn't personally involved (I wasn't even in the building), we earned it. Someone urinating out a window (while blackout drunk, it wasn't meant to be malicious), someone starting a fight in the hotel bar, someone trying to get into "their" room and failing because they're on the wrong floor (and freaking out the rightful occupants), guys (who weren't even drunk, just inattentive — and they apologized and left when security showed up and said they couldn't be there) opening an alarmed door to get onto the roof…

    Breaking stuff is not the only way to make yourself persona non grata at a hotel.

    Hans Niemann raged and broke his hotel room. He brought his butt plug, but little did he know… he forgot to bring its charger.

    "I'm not cheating."

    10 seconds later: Picture pops up portraying Hikaru as a cyborg. ๐Ÿค–

    Hikaru please stop preventing the best chess master in the world from competing against you and other masters.

    What will follow: A group of AI researchers and chess enthusiasts engineer an AI agent with Alpha-Zero level strength, at greater than Hikaru speed. This will be done by an autonomous agent with control of your cursor, and you will be able to modulate strength, such that you donยดt get caught. I agree with you man. Big prizes in online chess may dwindle.

    Hans is well on his way to becoming the first U.S., World Chess Champion! Lol. Who are we kidding. Now he can't even play in the annual U.S. Chess Championship since it's hosted and played in St. Louis. They should have him make a public apology and do some community service. Like polish some beads at a local jewelry shop. Lol

    Hans gotta be the most famous chess player for all the worst reasons

    Who cares? He paid for the damages . Letโ€™s just watch the same boring players and ban a young player whoโ€™s actually exciting to watch .

    Hans looks unkept and "smelly"? Does this due bathe?

    He also beat the bejesus out of a flight attendant trainee

    they got to put everyone on a lie detector and ask them if they cheated and if they fail then gg sued.

    Lol. Even Kasparov and Fischer, both known for having bad tempers, never damaged property. Lol

    Hans should be in jail.

    Plain and simple.

    A known cheater getting banned, about time..

    Hikaru: relentlessly mocks Kremnik for suspecting cheating is an increasinlgly prevalent problem…

    also Hikaru: Whelp, i guess all this cheating is going to be the death of Chess


    We've been working on a global tournament for some time now. We plan to sponsor it and set it up as well where not a single person will be able to cheat, yet all will be welcome to compete. I own an invention company and we have invented a few chess products. In time these products will be on the market.

    Furthur on down, the letter says "yours truly, Magnus Carlsen".

    Hans definitely seems to have anger issues. No self control: that's probably also why he cheated. Sore loser, and a sore winner.

    I am going to miss Hans warmth and charm.

    They should require GMs to stream their games live from atleast three different angles, one that shows us what they are looking at while they are playing would be nice.

    @ุชุงู†ู†ุชุงู†ู„ู‡ู„ู†ู„ู†ู„ู†ู„ู†ู„ู† says:


    St Louis chess club is scum. I will ban them from my viewing s

    Neurolink has killed chess. A computer chip in your brain is op

    Clubs property meaning few beads got damaged.

    St Louis Chess Club recently purchased a speakerphone – because it's gone Hans free.

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