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%1$ Comments284

    When is the GothamChess GMHikaru OnlyFans collaboration airing? Disgusting how much you rely on him for content

    Why don't men and women play in the same tournament all the time? Here's an answer: since chess is arguably on of the most equalized and comparable sports, in terms of conditions, between men and women, there's not a single argument that the feminists among us could have to defend their fellow women from not even coming close to the top 10, with maybe one or two rare exceptions in the (near) future. This is because chess is so universal, with online engines, sites to play chess against others, reviews on youtube and theory available to anyone willing to put in an effort, that no woman can claim that she was "oppressed". Plus it's a completely individual performance, so you cannot claim any inherited oppression either and anyone with an "affirmative action-bonus" would still immediately fail at the highest level. Why is it then, that the absolute top players are all men? It's because of the bell curve: on average women and men are comparable in almost every way. Intelligence, intuition, etc. However, the bell curve for men features a much wider distribution than that of women, which means that SOME men are highly talented, but the flipside is that also the same amount of men are on the exact opposite end of the scale and don't stand a chance. The fact that Chess is open to anyone, means that, although on average, women and men are pretty equal, the game at the top is completely dominated by men. This will not change. Chess players have the intelligence to understand a bell curve. Most feminists don't. Suggestion: leave it as it is and enjoy both leagues, like with tennis.

    That Hikaru game was so insane. Levy with the awesome recap

    Firouzja sounds like he needs better guidance. Someone around needs to tell him he needs to keep it together regardless of the arbiter or other distractions. To keep out of fights where possible. Someone needs to tell him to tone down the diva and to work on his chess if he wants to become world champ. Nepo and Pragg and Gukesh and Hikaru and Abdusatorov all have the same talent he does and unless he works for it they'll leave him behind like they've been doing this whole tournament. Even if he goes on to do fashion or whatever his current attitude won't do him any favors. If this were 1972 he could have been another Fisher but pure talent that can't retain focus and that cracks under pressure just won't cut it anymore.

    Maybe a little more thought into the video titles please?

    I wish you would not show lines that were not thought of by actual GMs. You're not a GM, so don't show me your ideas, I'm not interested. It would be acceptable if you would go back to using a board that will discolor when you deviate from the real players moves. Please go back to using the board which will discolor the board when you deviate from the real game, so that when you are exploring your ideas I can see that it is just you going off. That will make it much easier to follow the real game. Otherwise sometimes you go off and you don't make it clear that you are just having your personal musings.

    😍😍awwww I’ve solved the problem of the shoes just just have players wear white plain socks lol just a thought lol 😍😍

    I don't think Ali's youth is much of an excuse, since we don't see the same kind of immaturity from Grushek or Prag(who are both also very young). Ali seems to think he is some kind of Bobby Fischer and can strong-arm the chess world to his bidding. Personally, I think he is overhyped and the other 2 youngsters are highly outperforming him anyway

    wow, calling us out for acting like children but then you call all the women chess players horses. classy!

    so you're homophobic yeah?
    cz why u saw calling u hikaru's bf makes u mad

    Hear me out:

    How crazy would it be if the Candidates changed the scoring from 1/2 point for draw and 0 for a loss to 1/2 for a loss and 0 for a draw? This would give more incentive to players to attack and go for wins rather than shuffle pieces and settle for draws.

    Thoughts? Or are you happy watching grandmasters play to draws?

    "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."

    -Mike Tyson

    Levy never fails to say that its a six horse race

    Firouzja's dad looks kinda like kaparov

    Why even allow spectators. It is very unnecessary.

    If Hikaru won the Candidates, it would be horrific for chess. Chess does not need a petulant man-child contender for the world championship.

    Chess needs a level headed gentleman as a candidate.

    Which disqualifies Hikaru, which disqualifies Firouzja.

    Btw, has Firouza written an apology for his abhorrent behaviour? Or has he shown any shame on how he got into this tournament?

    5:03 Why is NE3 a good Move? Or differently asked, why can't Black Play bishop Takes E5 (DXE5) and then take back with the rook?

    I have to say, I really don't care about the "women" matches. Not because they are women, but I just want to see the absolute best in the world. If they were in the open segment and qualified along with the rest of humans, it would be perfectly fine. So I skip forward in the video, which is a bit annoying. Anyway, Gotham with quality recaps as always.

    You can cheer for whomever you wish Levi get em told!!!

    dang bro i had a quick crack after watching the thumbnail

    Regarding the Ali drama, I agree, carpet would have solved that. FIDE can't enforce dress codes and then get angry when formal dress shoes make noise. 😂

    I followed the the match between Hikaru and Abasov and shows the problem about people following the match using stockfish. People forget they are two humans. So if a player did not find the best engine move they instantly react how he is stupied he did not play the best move. Without the engine those that wrote that would hang a piece all the time themself.

    Thank you Levy, by watching your videos I got my first brilliant moves

    Fischer was the youngest Candidate ever at 15, not Gukesh.

    Can that Hikaru game be put into NFL terms? What did I witness? A back and forth game? An untimely fumble? Epic comeback?

    Im an Alireza fan, we call ourselves the Alirezettes. What do you guys think, can we make it back?? Pls be honest there is a raging debate amongst our Alirezette group.

    I'm not trying to be provacative but I wondered why men and women have different tournaments? I looked at the rankings and it looks like women are an average of 200 pts less. Is this an issue with how they score the two? I'm afraid of the responses I'm going to get but I'm pressing enter……now

    I don't like that "no right or wrong" stuff. Alireza was right. If you mess up by not having carpets, then the player has a right to do whatever he wants.

    I, for example, always walk around if need a deep thought – it's easier for me to think (not in chess, I don't visualise that well). Depriving the player of that due to your mistake is unfair. To be honest, one may argue that even if he does that on purpose to hinder opponents, that's also fine unless you did think that through while organizing the event by adding corresponding rules.

    Need a video on why women and men don’t play in the same videos all the time. 31:59

    Watching women's chess feels same as "How to lose at chess"

    @0:17 – "Both sides, the OPEN and the womens" Levy, bro, you need your iced coffee to get you going.

    The sensitive thing would be to inform a player about their shoes after the game, not during..

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