HE LOST AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments284

    Please livestream the chess base india video here

    to stockfish, hikaru vs abasov looks like 400 vs 450 to me

    Brother, you explain the games too fast. Let us enjoy it more …

    The complaint has to be taken seriously regardless of its gravitas. Alireza maybe should have behaved a bit more maturely (granted he's only 20) and think what he would do if he were trying to think and his thoughts were being interrupted by someone stomping around. However, Levy is right and any organizers hosting any kind of mental sport should take all precautions to avoid noises and disturbances for all.

    Hi Levy, great recaps you're making. Very wonderful… Enjoying every bit of this tournament from your recaps. Keep up the good work, we really appreciate it.

    I want to please ask, at 25:22, in the Lagno Vs. Muzychuk game, why didn't thr whitr bishop on d5 take the rook in the corner? Was it becasue of the pressure the queen applies on the f3 pawn is front of the white king? If yes, can't the other a2 knight come to the rescue?

    Thank you.

    Bet u personally placed those anal beads to ur boyfriend.

    yeah, saw the comment yesterday with "boyfriend"…. i was thinking the same… such bravery to talk from behind a gmail account…

    The question about having carpet absolutely killed me. What a good point

    Alireza violates Candidates rules -> arbiter politely asks him to correct this violation -> Alireza gets pissy and asks for him to be punished.

    Alireza's dad violates Candidates rules -> arbiter politely asks him to correct this violation -> Alireza's dad gets pissy and threatens to call the police & throws shade in an interview.

    Something's wrong with this family…

    Hikaru is such a badass, my favorite player of the candidates

    Why do you have to say "Indian" when you refer to Vidit, but you do not say "American" when you refer to Hikaru. Why do you have to mention the nationality when it comes to the Indian GMs?

    For chess world im pretty sure the place gets paid well to play chess in the place they play at,to me it sounds like a landlord not prepared the place for proper situation as the same as if some one living there and alireza i feel it to but let it pass,you have something that i could have had but my time is past but i do bring my chess openings and theory and now i cant stop ,i have a new chess game that will be seen on utbue and im going to go and get my opening and theory officially out and 15 to 20 years ago i did send a piece of paper with this opening and theory ❤😊

    Participating in a chess tournament is not mandatory. Also, all the player should be required to wear plush slippers! : 3

    Levy I think I have invented a chess opening as white :
    e4 e5
    Knight f3 , Knight f6 the opponent should always play the Petrov Defence for these opening to work
    bishop to d3, knight to c6
    c4 and then O-O the plan of my opening is to control the e5 square please make a video about it.

    Last game wants an unbalanced game well now what you call unbalanced is in my theory and black did do one square knight but there is better pawn moves or pushs and some other moves to be done❤😊

    I’m still a fan of Nakamura, but he’s not world champion material. Too many mistakes this tournament

    Keyword For That Game "KARMA-uana"
    KARMA-uana/Carauana Pulled A Fast One On Firouzja 😅

    Rook c2 game yes look for the pins even at sacrifices❤😊

    This is the first time I’m following a chess tournament, you have made it so fun, thank you Levi

    Levi, you saw not the Hole picture, ask yourself where Alireza is born and the discussion for 2years ago, should players be excluded… There are many ways to reach your goal, I'm just saying

    Man just put games from women section all together so I can skip them all at once

    Yesterday while watching the games live, seeing the crazy things happening, I wrote on Twitch that Levy was going to put a million exclamation marks in his recap video title. I wasn't off by that many.

    Imma be honest…Hikaru can be my boyfriend any time. Having him as your BF would be pretty cool. Saying he is your BF is not an insult.

    Game 2 this game was dicey but for both sides,starting with that rook move in opening,it does work with some waiting prep and black when you see that rook like that it's time to move slower and not push bishops in front of pawns it is time to structure pawns and move the other pieces around according to whites moves❤😊

    Stop showing women games no one cares about woman chess

    Throw him in prison he's a Witch!! 🤣..killed me…..I'm an idiot

    13:54 is that the giy from fight club giving the intervieuw????

    I'm so happy you and Hikaru are finally official, congratulations Gotham!

    Gucci Firouzja fell apart against Versace Caruana!~

    LOL. Another great video! Thanks Levy. Friendly correction: the trichord drama was much earlier than the 18th century.

    First game I like how white reversed engineered everything and I was seeing the magic but not at it's best level❤😊

    Levy buddy, you have no right to talk about online vs in person persona. Your reddit looks like the ramblings of an insane person. You argue with interner karens 😂

    The Hikaru Abasov Game was like a Guess the Elo. Incredible to see that among the very best. Is it the nerves at such an important tournament?

    *Moves to the screen with Nepo and Gukesh game
    And these bozos…

    It's concrete floors in the convention center in Toronto. They got rugs in storage in that venue somewhere. Fide must not have the staff to move all the tables equipment and shit and put it back. Call NASCO staffing queen east in Toronto they got all the rugs and staff they need right down the street. They do convention center all the time.

    'Sometimes you just have to lie to your viewers'
    'Just like lying to your kids, parents you will know'

    Gothem your a troll. Don't tell us how to behave on the internet. 'Listen i know my followers are the worst trolls in chess so for legal reasons behave yourself.' wink wink

    "He lost again" Ian Nepomniachtchi's honest reaction :

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