HE LOST AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments284

    gothamchess is the worse chess youtube channel because you dont learn anything fron it. agadmator and gmhikaru is the best

    Why do I easily beat 1000 elo Bots when I am hardstuck on 600 elo

    This comment section is a mess, I’m sorry for it. Levy, keep it up with your videos, they are amazing!

    "an advice none of us would take" xD

    This implies Levy would clickbait in-person. 🤔

    These thumbnails are a masterclass on effective and meaningful clickbait lol

    YOURE WRONG :* 8:06 and THEN he do not take the pawn dude. He's taking nf4 followed by bc7 winning back the rook 🙂

    I think it is kind of sad in chess that family and friends can't come to see you play. It make total sense but is also sad because in every other sports It's a sweet thing to have your family watch you play.

    “I don't know how people makes just new drama” said Gotham CHESS.

    So basically everyone should at this point should lose because if they win it will ve very bad for chess … let's root for our chess God Hikaru

    I feel sad that people have so much anger from somewhere to call Hikaru a boyfriend. Gotham deserves more respect, but apparently younger generation cant see the amount of work that Gotham go trough to give us such content and entertainment

    That Hikaru vs Nijat game reminded me of one of your 400 ELO chess episodes the way the eval bar was moving towards the end! 😀

    My distaste for Hikaru makes it easy to think of making comments like "Levi never fails to glaze Hikaru like a krispy kreme," but I fight the urge as best I can. Hikaru may play brilliant chess–at times–but he even does stuff like chew with his mouth open on stream. That's gross man. Together with terrible thumbnails and too much arrogance for an at best second placer, the halo effect of gross behavior makes me like Hikaru even less.

    I'd enjoy the content from Levi even more if he actually treated everyone equally; even if he uses names and matches to clickbait because Levi does deserve to make money. He seems like a good dude. By far my favorite chess channel, but it's way overboard sometimes, man.

    Magnus would've won like 6+ games out of 10 games

    People commenting as if one of their freinds was in a situation where they were looking at becoming the world champion in whatever field, they would not be cheering them on like come on of course you would

    Some of these games really are "grasping defeat from the jaws of victory".

    Kicking out the father of a player even though he IS ALLOWED to be there is insanely stupid.He just wanted to see his son play one of the most important games of his tournament and,if he won,of his life

    I am surprised you got upset by the boyfriend comment.
    While i cant speak for the other person it seemed to obviously be a joke.
    Not like we dont know you have a wife.

    What i really love and hate about Chess is that it becomes harder the better you become.

    If Hikaru had bishops lined up attacking the king's side, why didn't Nijat castle queenside? @gothamchess

    So humble of Hikaru to future an up and coming creator like Gotham on his channel.

    Am I the only one who thought that Hikaru lost because of the title?😂

    8:34 i read that comment yesterday… 🤣… then i paused and thought… what type of a small minded weasel would make such a comment.

    It is good to know that Hikaru is your boyfriend

    Well if so, Hikaru would be lucky to have you as a bf ;p

    Ahahahah…you bit the boyfriend comment…funny…

    8:31 bro I almost spit my drink there, wtf it came out of nowhere 😂😂😂😂

    Hey Levi, I have watched your channel for a long time and will always appreciate what you have done/continue to do for chess. I do think though, we shouldn't coddle Alireza and his dad. It's really sad that they have decided to make mountains out of mole hills for every little thing they can find. I get it, it's tough to lose and sometimes it's hard to grapple when that happens. Ultimately, I don't condemn you for not being harsh on them, but I think it could/would be justified. They don't deserve that much leeway. And I fell like they were abusing their position in the community. The grievances were justified and neither of them had a legitimate case to complain.

    IF Hikaru wins this then somehow wins world champion I predict Magnus is coming back.

    Levi, not that you care, but I find awesome that you have a player you cheer for and want to win. Everyone does, it's better if everyone is aware of it.

    From what i understand its much harder being Alireza or Abasov, everybody gonna try to fight you for the win, on other games they play simple and be happy with the draw

    "Boyfriend?" I just want a Florida man to win.

    9 – He lost. 😨
    10 – HE LOST AGAIN!!! 😃

    "behave online as you would in person" is the sentence of a man whose boyfriend just lost

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