He only moved his king. He won.

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%1$ Comments792

    "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" – Black King

    I don’t think it was a mouse slip, dude just wanted to trade queens and had no other pieces to recapture so he moved his king out

    I bet THAT horse could have stopped an avalanche

    Germany and Poland reminds me of something in 1939

    This game is literally "When the King is insane" taken to the extreme next level!!! Hilarious video! Love it!

    That was simultaneously funny and amazing.

    Me clicking on this knowing that levy is just clickbaiting me and by definition it is impossible to win with just a king

    Hello I take advantage of the free benefits and it’s a 10/10 from me

    King is such a good boy, he had good walkies, yes he did

    Gothamchess sat at the chessboard, staring intently at the pieces in front of him. He had been playing for hours, lost in the strategy and tactics of the game. But now, he saw an opportunity, a chance to make a bold move and change the course of the game.

    With a deep breath, he reached out and grabbed his queen, the most powerful piece on the board. The audience gasped in shock as he lifted her up, ready to sacrifice her to the gods of chess.

    The other player looked on in disbelief, unsure of what to do. But Gothamchess was resolute, confident in his decision. He placed the queen down on a square occupied by his opponent's bishop, capturing the piece and leaving his own queen vulnerable to attack.

    The game continued on, with Gothamchess taking risks and sacrificing other pieces in the pursuit of victory. The audience watched in awe as he seemed to dance around the board, always one step ahead of his opponent.

    And in the end, his sacrifice paid off. He emerged victorious, having outmaneuvered his opponent and claimed the title of chess champion.

    As the audience cheered and congratulated him, Gothamchess couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his bold move. Sacrificing the queen had been a risky move, but it had ultimately led him to victory.

    And so, he vowed to never shy away from a challenge, to always take risks and push the limits of what was possible on the chessboard. For in the end, it was the bold and daring moves that made a true champion.

    i always see those two dots on your wall and think they’re specs of dust on my phone and wipe my screen to get them off before realizing

    Not only did the lightsquared bishop not move the entire game…the lightsquared bishop PHYSICALLY COULD NOT MOVE the entire game

    I demand an analysis of franks brilliant during his battle against krbital

    stockfish literally crumbling from the sheer move quality is way too funny

    Bruh. This was amazing 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️

    This Just In: Stockfish was so disgusted by this game that it has quit chess and is seeking a new line of work.

    as opposed to promoting a pawn to a second king, like everyone else damn

    Bro actually changed the title of the video 💀

    Edit: he changed it again

    The king got bored of watching and decided to destroy his enemies by his own hands

    This is the insanity of a man who has eaten nothing but peas for months.

    Levi of the past: "If you're losing the game, RUN. THE. KING."
    This game: happens
    Stockfish: "f*** this sh** I'm out."

    I rediscovered my love of chess because of you thank you so much!

    The game shall be known as: 1 king, and Gallons of Blood

    What a movie. The King taking Care of Business

    11:38 In fact, the king captured (up to that point) 18 points of material (you are forgetting the white Queen)

    Wojciech has created a new gambit that shall be known as The king Henry II gambit

    11:15 — Obviously white has never seen that famous game from 1858 where, in a very similar position, Morphy DID play O-O mate!

    What a sight. 😂
    Nothing to learn but, oddly amusing

    This guy said I don't care I will do all the work you guys go and make team on dream 11 😂😂

    ''I tried out the Shawarma gambit'' ''What is your king doing there'' ''FIGHTING''

    Some of the deadliest kings in history: Vlad the Impaler, Attila the Hun, Wojciech.

    I'm loving the carnival barker patter. 🙂

    The king was going for an exercise

    I bought the Caro cours and today I literally won all my games I’m now 1000 elo rapid

    Alright, I admit it. I suck at chess. mumbles course better be worth it. lol

    Everybody: "Uh huh, wow, that's cool."
    Me: "Why does it say they're both grandmasters?"

    24 points of material captured by the king without moving any bishops, any rooks and 6 pawns…

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