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%1$ Comments152

    Mamedyarov vs. Suleymani is the craziest game of the year you need to Cover this Gotham. There were sooo many exclamation marks in this game!!

    Holysht!! My boi Dubov is on 3rd! Only 1 point behind the Goat

    numer doesn't matter, not 2 magnus can beat all top 10 at onceeee….

    I'm sitting here like I understand anything he says. I`m probably the only person who watches Chess videos on a daily basis and doesn't know sh*t about the game 😀

    Day 1 Blitz recommendation: Mamedyarov vs Suleymanli

    I wish ruzzian players weren't allowed to the tournaments though


    Levy is so brutal on 14:44
    Your Knight moves and I f**k you 🫢

    Le pone tanta emoción que yo hablando español puedo entender cada palabra jajaja

    Please cover the games of Johan-Sebastian Christiansen! He has performed amazingly so far in the blitz!!

    This comment won't get more than 20 likes

    Levy : women chess champi……
    Le me: skip skio skip

    Do the best players memorize the tactics and strategies in a visual way or do they memorize the coordinates on the board?

    "it's not easy to break ties in chess"
    well unless your Kramnik 😆

    yeah no the rules being different is very weird

    I suggest you cover Gareyev v Caruana, blitz round 6. Rook sacs back and forth. Crazy game.

    Magnus vs the world season 01 trailer 😂

    magnus won 16 championships when you will win a championship levy.

    19:42 rook A3 to win a bishop? if white responds bishop F6 (threatening rook d8 check if black takes the bishop on D3), black plays king E6? anyone know?

    Who tf watches women's chess except for ppl who feel sorry for them

    7:50 — are you blind ?? White clearly played Ng5 (which is ACROSS the centre !!) at one point !! :O

    Challenge: Ask your opponent which opening to play

    I'm shocked Levy didn't cover the scholar mate game.

    Lei offering a draw after 3 moves as White in the final crucial round against someone 200 points lower rated?? She got what she deserved with that bronze medal!

    christiansen-gukesh from the blitz was amazing

    I love the action chess-commentary!! Football is like watching paint dry in comparison. This is CHESS, mate!

    If you're looking for games for the recap of blitz day 1 – Johan Sebastian Christiansen vs Gukesh, round 4, has a really nice attack and sacrifice.

    Is magnus a cow?
    Because damn you milk him a lot

    Would Magnus accept a match against a tag team of grandmasters? Cue in the meme picture of Magnus in a sofa with 8-9 grandmasters behind.

    yooo please christiansen gukesh brilliant 2x

    Levy talking about a triangle chocke and showing a rear naked choke, lol

    Levi is really distracted and I love it out of nowhere he pulles out comunism, and super GMs against Magnus. HOW KSKASDKFDASKFDASKFA

    Why is there a separate division for women? Why can't they all play each other?

    I love the recaps, thanks for all the effort that goes in. I also think screw the positive and negative comments focus on the people you know and value. I would also say the thing that defines you is not chess. GM doesn't change your worth so pursue it knowing that it's super stressful and hard but also that your no less to those you love and there opinions matter most. Not the unknown majority.

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