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Now that you are in that hotel room I miss your typical set up and background
Who would win Magnus Carlsen, and Ding Liren or Fabiano Caruana, and Hikaru Nakamura
Ding was obviously cheating last year. The west tried everything to stop a honorable Russian to become the world champion
Camera is a tad too high.
5 million people getting click bait 🪤
I don't even play chess lmao
congrats on the 5mil subs ,i dont even play chess but still watch your videos hahah
Hey Levy, notes on the setup
the camera seems to have a small white speck looking towards the curtain on your right hand side and yeah as you said, smaller tripod
Congrats on the 5 mil and I'm looking forward to the next one
Where are the click clacks? 😢
10 mil on June 2nd 2026
10 mil on June 2nd 2026
chess is still growing subbed a lttle bit before the chess boom, and joining my first tournament this month congrats levy!❤
If the biggest chess baddie in the world gave up his title because he was bored of defending it, I don't know if I'd want to even contend for the title knowing the title belonged to him. Otherwise you're just competing for some extra letters to be attached to your name. Heavy is the crown, Ding.
Get us some tal games
Damn, you're looking so tired(
0:49 he said it he said the line
Yay 5M!!
Travel setup works great. Audio quality is excellent. 👍
The scoring definitely encourages people to draw on the classical, since in armageddon they at least get 1 point versus zero if they lose classical. They only risk a .5 point difference if they push to armageddon versus a 3 point difference.
At this point I believe Ding is just losing on purpose… For whatever reason, maybe his family is being threatened by the CCP, who knows… a 1400 might miss the idea, but NEVER anyone with 2000 ELO or more…. especially not a WORLD CHAMPION, former 2800…
I am ding right now. I’ve lost 200 points and counting. I don’t even want to play anymore. I used to play and be able to analyze my position and tell advantage and now for some reason playing feels like I’m blind in the Amazon
How do i send you a chess game?
I'm an alien I'm still gonna sub to this man 👽😀
where can i get tickets for the clash of claims?? i cant seem to find a link
How would I send you my chess games for review?
Can anyone tell plsssssssss…
2017 was latest Carlsen played Retí's system
Congrats Levy for 5M subs. How about a bit of travelog along with chess? Would love to see a bit of the town in Spain. That would be fun. Cheers. [Edit: I now realize your travelog stuff is on Patreon. Will go there.]
setting's perfect
Wtf Gotham why I need to share it when on one of my phones I am watching one of your old openings video, on the other I am playing and analyzing the variation meanwhile on my tv is your video about Garry beating the world meanwhile I have this video recommended ……I am watching it from the other phone so I am watching you like 3mfs :))
Give special thanks to Magnus Carlson
I still have no idea who won and I'm too afraid to ask
Congrats my man Levy for such an amazing feat….been here since 300k subs
A similar thing to what's happening to Ding happened in tennis: Dominic Thiem used to be top 4 player in the world, then he won his first Grand Slam and suddenly the following year he wasn't even in the top 50, and he wasn't injured or anything.
So Nice of the kidnappers to give Levy 5M subs.
Congratulations 🎉
You guys should give ding some rest. Who knows what's he feeling, as if he is hallow from inside, but truly he is suffering from inside, and what worsen this pain is you people talking more about how sad you feel for him, let him rest and see what is good for him. If you were to be a fan of him or not, don't be selfish. Understand his feelings. We humans from time to time also need rest, and being a recognized figure like him makes things harder.
The original tile was
1:30 yes levy it looks like you are trapped lol
Has there been other chess world champions in the past that has crumbled like Ding Liren currently is? Maybe it's wrong to have expected him to win this tournament, but who would have ever guessed he'd be last by so much.
Love the videos but why is literally nothing ever cut out? Like Gotham responding to his editor is left in. Why have an editor? What exactly does the editor do?
congratulations Levy!
Why is the dead pixel there😭
Original title was 5 MIL SUBS!!!!!
Congratulations are in order levy 🎉🎉🎉 thanks so much for this I’m 18 and you help me get through life with these episodes. I really hope you keep doing this !!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
You have a good travel setup ❤
Damn 5 million. I had no idea… I'm feeling under dressed
Levy your camera position is like a movie from unfriended lol