HE WONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments408

    Daniil Dubov was one fair game away from being tie 1st with Magnus.

    "Nobody ever bulldozes into a position like this grabbing a pawn and not developing their pieces." Hold my beer.

    Is the Open Spanish a thing? If so… I need to learn the Open Spanish.1:37

    by the way why there it's a competition for man and another one for women? we supposed to be equals at least intellectually.

    Maxime beat the pancakes out of Magnus 😂 vive la liberté 😂😂😂

    Maybe we should call him Magnum Carlson because he mows his opponents pieces down

    I Think if magnus didn't lose to mvl most of the game of carlsen will be a draw so thanks to mvl he awaken magnus

    Does anybody know of a similar channel to this one that breaks down games in the same way, but dumbed down for beginners?

    We need more magnus content. You simply do not produce enough.

    Damn Magnus went to a holy lake😂


    He sacrificed…

    THE ROOK!!!!

    And Dubov sacrificeeeeed first place draaaaaaw!

    Poor Sarana. He was just in wrong time, wrong place

    I think you will find that SMØC, Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen, ideed has more initials than Maxime. 😉

    Good video, but the colour indications are all messed up.

    Dubov robbed, FIDE’s agenda against Russians continues

    Pls explain why there's a different category for women's chess and why don't everyone play everyone? It's not like basketball where you can say physical differences makes it unfair, so what's up with that?

    Top level chess is crazy. Super GMs make those moves with 90+ accuracy with 10 seconds on the clock while I blunder a queen in one move after thinking for 5 minutes

    Vs MVL , Magnus fails to play ….a6 driving the knight back , once MVL got a5 and Be3 in , white is winning at least a pawn .😊

    I feel like the title should be "Magnus Carlson Wins X Blitz Championship 2023" Seems to be more evergreen for SEO

    So when Magnus hangs a rook it's a sacrifice but when I do it's a blunder

    when levy right clicks to highlight the piece the shade of red is more distinct. Is this just editing, or can i change this on my own board?

    Another sad day for chess and all Magnus haters 🙁

    This recap was fantastic but my favourite winning streak is still Fabi's 7-game one (you showcased it in an old video)

    Good idea to include women's section as well, they're often more entertaining games

    I thought the title said "HE WON NNN!!!!" 💀💀💀

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