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%1$ Comments51

    Hikaru is definitely not cheating for a number of reasons. Personality, plays on video and OTB and doesn't say chess speaks for itself. Serious petty misstep by Nepo to suggest that. Kramnik is a fool. If Hikaru could hold a 45½, ½,0 against 2975 average then he probably would be 3600, meanwhile he's 'only' 3300. Once is not an average. Nepo should actually be fined for that or reprimanded by FIDE

    Nothing…Hikaru tastes his own medicine…

    You…probably don't want that.
    That's one of the Russian pro-war slogans. The emoji symbolizing the "V" on some of their military vehicles, same as "Z".

    Kramnik has cheated in the past and now he has trust issues and continues to make baseless allegations. He has no credibility. Sad from the former PCA champion.

    May you hav ze strenth to endur ze hard timez.

    Guy accused an unknown player… without proof…..almost destroyed his life; impossible to feel sorry for him….

    Hey man! I absolutely love your content but just wanted to point something out. In one of your earlier videos you weren't good about Vidit's prep but you complimented Caruana's Prep. I just felt that was kinda unfair. Anyway though, your content is definitely one of the reasons I got into following Chess so keep it coming. Peace ✌🏼

    i love how your name is officially levi now

    10:57 I don't blame the granndmaster. Imagine you are farming elo for so long just for a cheater to beat u and take like 40 points of elo after so long

    Video title fix proposal: Hikaru accus of accusing insinuation

    when you calculate hikaru having 45 win streak against players below 300 elo to him out of 34886 blitz games he played is around 98%-99%.. he should be able to do such streaks few times in those 34886 games. infact he does. this is not the first time he did a 45 win streak. his best win streak is 55. i don't know kramnik lived under a rock to talk about 45win streak now when actualy hikaru has 55 win streak previously.

    Kramnick should understand that people who throw around accusations are usually projecting! 😉

    Just so you know I’m too familiar with Hilary’s videos to believe he was cheating. This controversy is likely to attract few chess fans.

    Currently, Hikaru's average accuracy is 87.8 but in the last 7 days from now his average accuracy was 86.3… Lower than his average, his opponents just played a little worse and he got a streak, I doubt he was cheating.

    I chatted with a cheater as It was obvious he literally said I get better as I can see the best move and understand why it's like yes mate u r deranged lol

    You did a spectacular job at covering the Hans cheating allegations

    I dont believe Hikaru is cheating. But I agree with Nepo about the headphones tho…

    There is a .0000001% chance Hikaru is cheating. He's fastest chess swindler in history. Even when he's not playing accurately he finds a way with speed and tricks. Otherwise he just outplays his opponents 90% of the time. Simple.

    I appreciate that cheating — especially amid the explosive growth of online chess — is a legitimate issue worthy of discussion and debate. I do, however, remain concerned that the drama and hurt feelings at the core of the "coverage" of these situations will foster a toxic online culture, not unlike that found within much of the video gaming community.

    Merely my two cents.

    The probability for Hikaru winning 45.5/46 against 300 elo lower opponents is 0.16% vs 99.84%.
    But after hundreds of days trying, the propability becomes possible.
    So it's not a proof of cheating, but it's not absurd to ask him to stop playing with an audio on the ears for example.
    No more, no less.
    And as there are many other ways for cheating, the most important is the performance in real tournaments, not bad concerning Hikaru.

    "This is equivalent to a 3600 performance rating over 46 games"
    No? Hikaru performed basically at a 3300 level. Since his opponents were roughly 2900, that was a 400 point mismatch. 1-2% sounds about right for an expected win rate, which in statistics terms is enormous. There is nothing suspicious about something with a 2% probability happening. If he starts doing it every DAY, well, maybe something is up. But one run against much worse players is a ridiculous thing to base an accusation off of.

    And thats from someone who doesn't even like him much btw. I think hes kind of a dick. But there needs to be way more evidence than that before id believe it

    Kramnik's analysis is lacking (which is probably why Magnus makes fun of it), in the following way: If Hikaru's result was a 2% result, then it should be expected to happen once in 50 times. So if Hikaru played 50 sequences of 45 or whatever games, he should be expected to get this result once. Since the sequences can overlap to some extent – the statistics get more complicated – this doesn't even require 2500 games. I think it's very likely that the result Kramnik remarks on is just the result of random chance because Hikaru plays so many 3+0 games.

    Note that this is pretty much the exact opposite of the Niemann situation, where the more statistics were gathered, the more they were damning.

    Accusation is too old fashioned. Accusal sounds way better 😅

    Everyone says Hikaru is "one of the best blitz players", which isn't true. He's THE greatest blitz player that has ever lived.

    As for Jan Nepomnyashchy, I'll break down all the accusations about him a bit maybe, but in Russian the phrase is often used in an ironic sense.

    Hikaru doesn't cheat he just has a really good chess board

    if your really good at something it can look like you are cheating…for normal people.

    Hikaru never fails to feature gotham in his video

    Hey Levy. It would be quite interesting if you demonstrated this. If you set up a game and you cheated one, twice, three time, four time until you beat them just to see how much a swing it would make.

    Wait, Hikaru plays with People lower by 250 points, that means he much better and must crush all of them, and it would be strange if he lost to low rated, doesnt matter what time control, i Will destroy anyone Who lower me to 250 points, i play a lot games 1 minutes, and destroy low rated. Ps – Cramnik is an idiot about statistocs, dont use waight coefficients to calculate probabilities, he must include waight by 0.2 or 0.3 to his opponets🎉🎉🎉

    No way this is clutch effect 14:20
    explanation : section 1 cheats a little, section 2 cheats more, section 3 no cheat or no motivation
    To be fair, last 3 prob blundered, and number 15 when doesent play for prizes ( 3:th section ) is similar amount lower so could cheat same way in 7-10 and 11

    13:00 whats wrong with the evidence? All top players having 90-92 but 1 95% thats way down from the top. Just shouldnt happen as its average from 19 games

    Ko ckp pusing pusing pahal siyal straight to the point la😂😂

    Covering cheating drama in chess is not low brow or low hanging fruit, Levy. Hikaru and Kramnik are huge figures in the world of chess and thus this is big news. Hikaru is the blitz GOAT and Kramnik is a former world champion. They matter. And so do you and your insight. Fuck the haters thanks for more dope content.

    When you cheat, you say "chess speaks for itself". When you explain logically every single move you make that can't be cheating. It doesn't work that way.

    Hikaru actions can be problematic when a country for example decides to inflate some player's elo by having her or hin fight in a bunch of championships created to boost the player's elo. In the world of online chess where the "adoptions" are part of the fun, I don't see a problem. On the other hand, Hikau is probably listening to music, it helps them concentrate a lot (I use it to program) but he should not be allowed to use the headset. Finally, Hikaru is not playing well online and bad in person, he is performing pretty well in all the tournaments he enters, even in classical.

    Cheaters should be banned from the SOLAR SYSTEM.

    not only was hikarus % not 100% but his opponants were literally hundreds of points lower in real rating. Its like man city playing against all of the american teams, obviously winning every game, then being called cheats. Man city are lightyears ahead of all the american teams

    Is this the same kramnik who won the world title by going to the toilet before EVERY move?

    They dont give explanation to point that Fabi addressed in > C-Squared , Victory At The Rapid & Blitz, Kramnik's Blog Gets A SPICY Update < , time 45.00>>

    There was 12 out of 18 players who scored 200 points higher in money round 11. While 2 players had negative result Kramnik and Alireza F.
    Other 6 had 12, 30 or so points more, and then it jumps to around 200 poits higher than other rounds not having money price. To me this is quite hard evidence

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