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Levy calling Hikarus moves goofy
Me who plays that way too:😮💨💀
what’s happening with the gamma on the board
Levy, I pre-ordered your book. If I don't get a signed copy I will be throwing it away and purchasing a new one until I do.
Hikaru the Goat
the absolute gigachad
this has got to be psycological devestating to any of Hikura's opponents when he can toy with them the way he does and wins
Hikaru was in weird form.
I was eating not really paying attention and then I heard “when hikaru was black” 😂
hey @GothamChess is your book available in digital format?
This stare today was 9/10, it was just like ✨✨✨
Nio video about hans niemann vs kramnik ?
It's just hikaru going super saiyan 3 ❤
please make a course in dutch defence
“Chop” shout out @chess-network
Great show man. I am OUT OF HERE !
I'd love to pre-order your book but unfortunately it can't be shipped to my country for some reason.
imagine being so good at chess you can pretty much do or make up anything on the spot and beat someone who is top 25 in the world. This is like when Mihawk pulled out the tiny dagger and bodied Zoro in one piece.
A 1600 rated played that played like a POTATO missed rook to A4 and you don't know why it's called potato variation? Yeah right, we believed you……..
Its normal China vs Japan things.
bro ignoring this, hikaru vs magnus is essentialy the idea of immovable object vs unstopable force.
Levy, why's it called the potato variation?
but i deleted histroy
I watched this one while running on an elliptical trainer. Now both my legs and my brain hurt.
Share your unorthodox ways to watch GothamChess videos below 🙂
Man I wish I was good at chess, I'm almost 30 and I wonder if it's even worth trying to learn it at this point. It's so cool to watch game reviews though.
old chess players sound like Buzz Killington
People in the comments should not ask Levy why is it called the potato variation
Basically drunk magnus minus the alcohol
But i thought hikaru is not black
"Children are watching" LoL
How do you know Im watching this video on my bed ?
Guess Hikaru is making the case that opening theory doesn't win chess games.
"When Hikaru was black" Dang, didn't know Hikaru was black.
When you hit the spot 9:28
When will u play clash royale
Just pre-ordered… congrats on such a successful first book!
Hikaru is just sniffing the defense coke, if he doesn't do goofy openings and get tense situations he's bored by the game ?
Levy, tell me more about the potato. Much love – Potato.
May we see some theory video about the Bird Opening?? =)
Hikaru could defend me and get me out even when Im guilty
Can you please make a video on the Bogo Indian defence?
Pre-order. I pre-order, you pre-order, we pre-order. Even Levy pre-order.
8:55 this killed me 🤣
So essentially all noobs are at Hikaru level!!
what is the best way to pre oreder the book to bulgaria?
Блэт, он такие названия у видюшек делает, а потом там не то, что я ожидаю. На этом я прощаюсь с вами навсегда 😀
Well well well… what's the POTATO VARIATION?
Hikaru is better than magnus if he commits 100%
We need a video breaking down the Potato variation 🥔
Is chess gaming? Cuz the vid says #26 on trending for gaming?!?