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%1$ Comments232

    Gotham, my problem is cereless. I got alot blunder on chess. Hiw to train it?

    He – hikaru made history we who are fed up of European early history – 💩

    Where are the gotham chess subscribers videos?

    The American opening is when you smuggle an assault rifle into the game room.

    Обожаю тебя, Леви! Спасибо за прекрасный контент! Одно твоё видео может просто сделать мне весь день!

    It's actually brilliant from Hikaru. Many players are considered good because they can play only a handful of openings and whatever happens after them. Take them completely out of their comfort zone (who has actually ever played vs f3 g3 Nh3???) and see who's better otb. Fischer random style!

    Levy I need to send you a chess game it was pretty bad

    Props to Hikaru for giving more content to Levy

    So, why is it called the potato variation?

    I imagine the contact sport equivalent being Steph Curry deciding to just shoot halfcourt shots the whole game for content.

    (disclaimer: NBA player chosen at random from brain)

    you renamed it from "the disrespect gambit" to "hiraku just made history!!!!!!!"

    First of all, great channel Levi, and I watch it regularly and I've given the thumbs up but, can I level a small criticism?
    At 12mins into the video you drift into a stereotypical American rendition of a so-called affected English accent. Please do not do this, it is offensive.
    I'm sure that no offense was intended and considered it adding spice to your programme but, oy vey, racial mockery of any ethnicity is what it is.
    By way of constrat, I do not expect that you would even consider offering a parody of other international Englishes for risk of severe comeback from Youtube, for instance Irish English, Indian English, Philipine English, Jamaican or Afro-American English.

    Are the move animations for the pieces different or am I tripping

    Now I can finally say that I play grandmaster openings!

    Hikaru is the Obi Wan of Chess. Man can defend.

    Fun, fun, fun – Levy is the king of chess commentary

    8:55 "He has children watching him play" 🤨…classic levy😂😂

    Gotham : Hikaru made history .
    Bro thinks he is magnus 💀

    Hikaru may not be pregnant, but he never fails to deliver

    It's the Hikaru effect. It's probably all theory by the time he retires.

    Loved the "chess player accent" great stuff

    Hikaru: I like the moment when I break a man's ego – Bobby Fischer

    Preordered through amazon in the UK cant wait for my first piece of bought chess content 🙂

    12:50 play knight h5? And if he takes you get the knight with your queen and attack the pawn on D5 and threaten checkmate and then after protect you get the pawns in the middle?

    My ego says I can also play the alphabet gambit and lose the games

    I came here thinking this is hikaru's video 😂 then got shocked seeing levy

    Is it just me or do the pieces move suddenly rather than sliding as before???

    Only technoblade knows the potato variations 😎😎

    A lot of high rated players haven't got the experience in goofy chess to compete with those openings at that level. Big Hiki has years of speedrun experience in goofy openings and positions.

    347K views at 14 hours, my next recommended video is Hikaru's most recent video from 9 hours ago with 26K views lol. Gotham is just goated

    As a history i can confirm hikaru just made me

    Hey, Levy… why's it called "the Potato variation"? Everyone is thinking the same thing as the answer.
    Hikaru is incredible, ty for the breakdown … if it can really be called that because apparently, he gets to play whatever he wants in the opening at all times.

    Love you, getouttahere

    Dude why are they not shipping to Norway? T_T

    This is why you should only play blitz when you know what you're doing. You can actually capitalise on bamboozling you're opponent because you're doing it on purpose

    While we were learning our ABC's Hikaru was learning to beat us to death with it.

    Система вычетов по модулю 2 says:

    КОГОТЬ БОБРА! 4:59

    Levi, this is not potato variation this is картошка variation

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