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%1$ Comments232

    Weird comparison, but that way of playing reminds me of Ronaldinho, a player who would do crazy tricks, not the most practical ones mind you, but sooooo fun and entertaining to watch, and always with a smile on his face. Like, this is what I want to see in high level competitor, some creativity, something entertaining, and proof that you are having fun.

    So the Bird's opening is good only if you are Hikaru😂

    Goodbye guys, today I was part of a chess tournament, I participated in Blitz and rapid both. Both times I got checkmated, I played so bad that it was embarrassing. I was out of the rapid within 3 minutes. All the opponents were younger than me. The rapid opponent was also probably less rated than me. I did blunders in the opening itself. I think age of 25 is just too much to start learning chess. It was fun while it lasted.

    Im a little late but I feel like the animations for the moves help a lot to enhance the viewing experience

    Levy, why is it called the potato variation??? 🤔🕵️‍♀️

    While after the opening he's -0.5 he's +5 in the mental game

    The potato variation just in terms of the name reminds me of the Pretzel gambit in the dutch defense. It's 1. d4 f5 2. Qd3 Nf6

    "You yankeys only got 29 seconds to figure this out" – confederate Levy

    Hikaru is the definition of That guy

    yo real quick, why is it called a potato variation? 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

    Chess move without moving animation really makes it difficult to watch

    How could Hikaru make a history when he didn't even sacrifice THE ROOK?!

    Levy bought 14 thousand copies of his book already

    Levy not show that game where hikaru premove, oponent moves how hikaru not expected, hikaru lost piece and resign next move.

    Just finished pre-ordering your book! Can't wait till it gets here! Now give me the pin of shame! 🙃 Please

    I suspect (insert chinese name I can't spell) has done a lot of prep on your standard openings. Whereas hikaru has been streaming and playing against all sorts of goofy shit. So it makes a lot of sense to play this way.

    I'm highly offended and my dignity has been violated. At the upper echelon of chess snobbery such things as these are not tolerated or even whispered in smoky dark rooms.

    Hey buddy what kinda cars do you own? And I’m 1524.. can I play like this as well? Or should I stick to the Karo and Blackmar which got me to this rating

    "just pretend you know what i mean"
    don't worry that is what i've been doing for a while now

    No, no, no, Nimzo played a Potato, which is an early sideline to the Potato, in Groningen 1928.

    These are professionals don't try this at home!

    Everyone is making history except for you dawg 😭

    The worst thing to do is resign 1 or 2 moves before checkmate.

    I had a nightmare that Hikaru died. I started crying.

    Okay, but why is it called the potato variation Levy?

    I took the free sample of the Vianna gambit and then won a game of 51 moves with 89 accuracy

    Why is it called the potato variation?

    Please don’t change the contrast/brightness for the hypothetical moves. Please

    Hikaru: exists
    Us: Levy!
    Levy: Hikaru isn't human!

    Us: this is news

    17:56 He didn't hang his rook. He obviously was planning on having you to say the thing…

    But the bait was never taken

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