Hikaru Nakamura Evolution

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    2002 hikaru:cute
    2005 hikaru:collage guy
    2011 hikaru:commentator
    2012 hikaru:businessman
    2015 hikaru:chess gigachad
    2016 hikaru:chess expert
    2017 hikaru:chess hustler
    2021 hikaru:one of the best chess player
    2022 hikaru:playing chess for fun and troll


    Japanese with a full grown beard.

    ayo young hikaru looks just like my friend

    Is he gonna be the second hikaru?

    Who is the guy on the right of magnus in 2021

    Bro dropped the hardest Hikaru edit and thought we wouldn‘t notice

    Que manera de desperdiciar una vida por un juego

    Hikaru was 14-15 yo in 2002, in and 17-18 yo in 2005 so it's possible he aged that much

    Someone told me he literally doesn't even care. Is that true?

    2005 , 2012, 2017 he was very handsome

    the final evolution should have been the pineapple guy shirt

    He went from a kid to an old man back to a teenager and then to an adult.

    Ich mich du doch er ihn sie sie es es wir uns ihr euch sie sie Sie Sie

    From trash talker to just trash. great improvement

    Hikaru’s head shape always reminded me of Magnus. Maybe there’s something to a giant dome that contributes to ones chess success…

    why does he consider himself old he is just 25 or 26

    I have bad experience with this guy at first time i saw him, but then 8 years later wathcing his content everyday and suddenly "oh yeah Hikaru it is not really like what i think before"

    If you Magnus Tal I am Kasparov Shirov

    Bro has been looking the same for the past 18 years

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