Hikaru Teaches Accelerated Dragon to Beginners

Professor Nakamura has your back and will teach you beginning concepts and openings.


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#gmhikaru #chess #chesslessons

%1$ Comments143

    Pov hikaru: takes takes then takes and checkmate discovered check

    That 2k player tried to avoid checkmate with an offering of en passant, a more mannered player would have accepted.

    Hikaru ravy Shankar died years ago👏👏, and he is playing his sitar in heavens for all the gods

    On politics side…on you won't ever go to Russia. Ironic or not, the country you represent now nuked your origin country killing hundreds of thousand people…but please, don't go to Russia. 🙂

    In my opinion these teachable' s are your best content- keep 'm coming.

    hikaru is so down to earth with his thoughts about world situations is so refreshing

    no one cares about this in usa cause its boring. the only reason i watch these vids is to help me sleep

    Inflation 18000 percent in Iran? you confused Venezuela with Iran.

    Is this invasion of Ukraine by Russia that Hikaru keeps bringing up about naked aggression, or, did Russian intelligence know that “Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca investment fund financed the Pentagon’s military biological program in Ukraine.."? These are the same type of bio-research labs that developed Covid 19 in Wuhan China. Did they understand the scope of George Soro's color revolution in Ukraine in 2014? I guess it depends on who gets to write the history books. Being an expert in chess doesn't make you an expert in geo-politics. Does Hikaru realize the United States invaded Iraq and Afghanistan because Saudi Arabians attacked the U.S. on 911? Not everything in life is black and white. I thought this was a chess channel. lol

    Hikaru please teach Modern in good depth and multiple ideas of breaking with different structures and also guide on how to deal with very passive closed positions where good moves are becoming difficult to find.

    That backhanded comment against Hans Neimman was so out of the blue. Instant like on this video for that XD

    Lol that laugh when guy thought US players got 500k for winning olympiad

    25.23 that didn't age well😂😂😂😢😅

    "I mean do you really expect Magnus struggling vs 2500s? Cmon" – this aged well

    Gotcha I'm a beginner and I learned alot so I flip a coin head for major and tails for minor, I have a bag of shuffle major pieces, every time I go across I fill the square with a major or minor piece on the back rank being pawns if tails or a random placement of majors if heads up till 8 of whatever is used up 1st, then the remainder goes as is in the front row. Then I pull out a mirror and eye up that both sides match in their respective colors, then we sit at our color, and I flip the coin Heads is Me as White, and Tails is the Opponent is White, there is only 1 chair for white and both players standing also and when the coin flip is going music is playing then when the music stops both players play musical chairs, if the person who was flipped for white gets the chair then they officially play as white and get a fancy nice chair, but if the other player steals the chair. The board flips around and the Black player is seated but the White player stands and has twice the time on the clock. Then each player makes a pawn or knight move and then another pawn or knight move then each remove a pawn on the back rank of their choice from their opponent and replace it with a pocket knight in hand and call it "Dragon's Knight' they each roll a 20 sided die and whatever number it lands on is how many times pieces need to capture it to fully properly capture it otherwise it galops to your hand… gotcha I learned alot from this video indeed.

    Hikaru is not only a GM, but a GM at disguising his real height. It's impressive.

    i just hate the way America uses others countries to fight there wars and then pretend they did nothing and even when they do it themselves they always find away to justify it . seriously if you American and think like hikaru her you should leave us cuz obviously you killed people on the planet more then any other country

    Bruh his first opponents name is crazy 💀

    That caro kahn game is textbook stuff.

    Black queen was so stupid in the other side of the board and cant get back into the game

    I know it's been said before but your arrow management illustrating your thoughts is just next level

    There was a guy in the field named “Hikaruistrashh”🤔Modcheck!

    Love you Hikaru . Been waiting for this tutorial to come out❤

    Love it how Hikaru "coaches us" online through recaps and his videos ❤❤❤🎉

    I usually watch people with higher ratings, this level the players are no good.

    I just want to say that the US chess players have better an access to super computers. One of the reasons Armenia lost Aronyan. There were also political issues and problems with funding as far as I heard. But that is a support that should be noted.

    Or am I getting this stuff completely wrong?

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