Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen give chess fans a game for the ages as a WILD back and forth ensues in time trouble for Magnus!

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%1$ Comments170

    despite of loosing the game , magnus still managed to put back the pieces into the board. thats the real goat!!

    Σε ξέρωω εσέναα !!! MY FAVORITE ARBITER !!!! (Ναυ)

    so this is like how hikaru premoved his opening on the actual board game!

    next year they should give black 30 more seconds or 1 more minute. if the greatest player can not make do with that time disadvantage, it's too severe

    Could Magnus move the pieces with his left hand and hit the clock with his right?

    They are both pretty good. I wonder how they'd do against pros

    When Hikaru looks to the ceiling, you know he is watching the live feed of Stockfish up there. Hikaru had it setup at home and liked it so much he requested playing venues add it… What do you know… He can't help but admire that view…

    Only one mistake by hikaru and it was nearly a draw!

    Gosh I hate how people commentate this chess like just watch the frocking game please cheers it’s all just words for what we see right front of us cheers all the best especially that guy that gets super loud with other videos who I hear or feel like is Indian cheers all the best you probably know who I take the about like the way he says MAGNUS

    what was the lady at the end doing walking to the board?

    1second increment is obviously stupid, because it takes more than one second to move and press the clock

    the commentators are distracting the focus from the competitors. dont show them all the time

    It doesn't get better than this. What a game. There aren't no other 2 players that can bring such greatness on a chessboard. Magnus = GOAT 1Hikaru = GOAT 2

    That was a great win. The material time won.

    How did hikaru miss king f1 I don’t understand how that is even possible it’s such a an obvious move to make….

    Can someone explain to me at 14:18 why Hikaru doesn't just take the knight with his queen, and instead trades by going for pawn?

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