How Bad Is 1,000 Chess Elo?
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What rating system are you talking about here? What do these ELO values even mean?
They are not USCF. Someone who has just learned to move the pieces should start out between 1200 USCF and 1400 USCF.
FIDE ratings are slightly more difficult; but they are generally similar to USCF ratings.
as a 1000 on lichess, i indentify as an 1000 elo
It's as bad as IM chess to GM chess haha.
Ask twice maybe than they respond
why does my man expect that an iranian and frenchman will understand english
My elo is 1500
they don't feel like 1000 elo. except for teh first person the rest of them were kinda bad. i played better as 700 elo. heres proof "Insomnia_1i"
My highest elo was 999. 😢
adacort not a 1000, adacort was a bot for sure. Also why didn't you play f4 earlier against them? I get you throwing for content but jeez
If on your thumbnail for this videos you said "being chess noob for 24 hours" maybe it can bring more views?
I made the experience that 1000 Elo players in Blitz are much stronger than 1000 Elo players in Rapid, and this video confirmed that.
you went down when you didn't take the bishop on e5 queen takes bishop.
Whenever I am near to my next Highest elo
Like 1000-1100
Next opponent play's like hikaru Carlson
Keep milking Magnus
The mini lesson around 8-11 mins in the second game is Goated
I personally feel like players under 1'200 shouldn't play too much Blitz and Bullet Chess.
I feel that there isn't enough time to grapple with the moves and ideas of the position with time that low.
10 minutes, ideally 15 minutes, is perfect.
But I totally understand the appeal of wanting to play quicker over longer games
i would love to be 1000 rated. I'm 390.
As a 1129 that has peaked 1169, Some 1000s are really good
I love how he said the username of that last guy with no hesitation and a completely straight face.
I'm over 1000 and you played worse then most my opponents do in that first game.
How good are 2800+ players? Pretty rank vs Stockfish 16 🙂
watching levy blunder his queen and then play it off because he didnt see it in that first game is actually really funny
I wanna see Levy struggle to win 3000s, so keep doing this
As a 1200-1300 it would be extremely helpful to see a video like this on 1400-1500
bruh im 1300 and i bet ill lose to everyone in this game lol
1000 blitz is atleas 1.5 times better than 1000 rapid
i just reached 1000 congrats to me
do 1500 lol
Im a 1200 rapid player but in blitz im 630, I don’t know why is that but it seems like blitz rating is much harder to gain
please continue to 1300
I realize that i played this man ,won and didnt notic
Love the series would be amazing to see more
Please do a 1200
Give this man an Oscar
Dope video, please keep climbing
actually 1000 rapid player is (probably) much weaker than 1000 blitz. A typical 1000-1050 rapid player has <800 blitz rating. That's because beginners are told to not play blitz and that's correct.
Being on a toilet on a bullet train while someone is knocking on the door is a VERY specific example Gotham… This happened to you didn't it?
I've been stuck around 750 for about 2 months-
I need to figure out how to get to 1000
For me 1000 didn’t feel like that big of a deal but 1100 felt huge. I feel like the most important numbers of climbing are 800, 1100, 1600, 2000, 2200
Oh no.. levy is awfully close to looking at my 1200 rating
It's hard to chat and play on a phone.
since I started playing i've been 1000 rated player in rapid
You can say "OneMoveitis" Daniel doesn't own that word
A truly wonderful series!
And the bullet games are hilarious
levy, non-diamond members can’t chat
Pls do more
I’m like 1250 I feel just as bad as I was at 500😂
4:28 And then I wonder why I'm stuck at 1000….
as a 900 i can assure you all we know are tactics lmao
I don't watch gotham chess when I'm still 1000..but now yes I do..