How did hikaru calculate this?

Watch hikaru make insane calculations whilst solving a difficult puzzle.

#chess #hikaru

%1$ Comments188

    It’s actually an old very well known puzzle that mikhail tal was the first one to solve,and if I (1400 elo) am aware of it,of course hikaru is too… Him acting like he wasn’t familiar with it is the only thing interesting about this video,hate that kind of BS tbh..

    this is the first time I've understood what hikaru said

    Me if I sac knight there I will win then the bishop from a 100 is ready to ruin what I thought was my best move the whole game

    I enjoy this short as a chess nerd, but also as somewhat of a math nerd because this is a p=np problem as well. Obvious to tell why those are the right move, difficult to find them in the first place.


    He went to endgame calculating that??!!

    Ehere here eheere yess yess yess and here

    My dad said it is a "Regular chess player think" 💀

    you know you're f**ked when Hikaru starts saying "here, here, here, there, takes here, takes here, there, here, here"

    this is how you play chess here here there there win the game

    Me: here here here here here here
    Opponent: mate

    actually very straightforward to understand but would probably take me a year to see the sac and fork idea

    What's the point of g5? Why not just promote?

    Guy: Wheres the nearest gas station?
    Hikaru: Here here here here here there there here… got it? Yes yes yes very good!

    The problem with moving with speed of light is you increase your mass

    “FREDDY FAZBEAR!!” Hikaru joined the chat:

    How long do I have to play chess to understand this video?


    Хер хер хер хер…херовый план

    I once stared and rubed the skin of a black guy in China.

    I wish I could calculate as good as Hikaru does

    That here move is sick
    Also there move is briliant

    hikuaru is choke artist magnus probably makes a splooge on your big forehead all the time in real life after you are done dropping his pawls in your mouth u probably wish he would splooge everywhere on u and not just on your forehead but he choose your forehead because he says that maybe if your brain will absorb his splooge then you will no longer be idiot and it will make u better at the chess game this is because he enjoys the way u touch his pawls with the tip of your nose but u made it weird for him when he was just trying to foodge and u started to cry in his bed and told him that u loved him but he was just trying to bone , u always make it weird. he was just tryin to send ship his pawls and u got attached and told him u xloved him. U made it weird and u blunder a lot but your biggest blunder was when u cried in magnus bed after he cooomed

    My brain cells trying to figure out what the heck just happened

    Lmao he premoved like 25 and finished in 5 🤣

    im convinced he has stockfish on his ceiling

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