How fast can you find the checkmate? #shorts #chess #chessbaseindia

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    After Ra6+ Rf6 R×f6 + was a simple draw because K×f6 K×h7 Kf7 Kh8 g6 stalemate

    Sacrifice the rook if he takes g7 checkmate

    Rf8 would have been brilliant but he already did a great job

    Funny thing, in that position where he played g7+ for M3, it was actually M2 with the rook sacrifice Rf8!!

    Rf8 was more faster and prettier instead of g7+ but it’s ok

    At 00.15 , after rg8, instead of pawn push he could have played Rf8. A CLASSIC ROOK SACRIFICE. The only move black can play is to capture the rook. And then we play g7 which is a beautiful checkmate.

    He is my academy name stephen andrews …

    After rook g8 wasnt there also white rook f8, the only legal move for black is to take the rook and pawn g7 checkmate?

    His name is stephen I played with him in a tournament at beginning his behaviour was funny but at middle of game he was so annoying

    When black played rg8, white had a nice sacrifice of rf8 forcing him to take followed hy a beautiful checkmate with pawn g7

    Best wishes to cute little boy Stephen❤

    amazing little boy 👍👍
    so good 👌👍

    there was actually a mate in 2 after he defended the pawn mate with his rook, rook to the edge of the board if rook takes then pawn mate but rook takes is forced😮

    Don't underestimate young children, they are future best player of chess

    Bro i found a move sacrifice your roooooook on f8 pinning the black rook to the king and onlyy move for black is to take the rook bec this is the only move then u have the beautiful pawn checkmate on g7

    It was the same postion like pragg and surya in tata steel

    Imagine he underpromoted to a knight💀💀💀

    Rf8 was better after Rg8 it would be gigachading

    Rf8 is faster because after rxf8 which is forces g7 is mate

    Lol he also could’ve promoted to a rook

    Sigma child who wants to checkmate with queen😂😂😂OP

    He would be a future GM if he promoted to a rook 😂

    I think instead of g7+ which wins I would have played Rf8. And instead of taking and queen promotion I would had of chosen underpromting to a rook mate.

    Why did he say "one second" on the opponents turn?

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