How I Beat a CHEATER!!

Hikaru played a high rated account on September 16, 2023 that turned out to be a cheater.


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#gmhikaru #chess #chesscheating

%1$ Comments209

    You know in that second game black should take the rook cause the moves are basically the same and I’m talking about when you king was blocking the other rook

    poor mans gonna search for a new engine now, his searcher history will be like: "GMHikaru chess cheats engine" 😂😂

    The cheater was doing reasonably well hiding the cheats, didn't cheat on every single move to not be too sus. If he had Hikaru would have been blown off the board in 30 – 40 moves.

    "Yes Magnus has retired" he recitres from the chat

    "Magnus is dominating like a boss, why he would retire?"

    GOLD!! 🙂

    How did u beat LP Supi? I didn't see your excuses for him

    It's not just chess. Cheating is RAMPANT in all online games. It's due to everyone trying to make money streaming or online comps. They don't get caught and purged enough to make the risk not worth the reward.

    Okay apart from chess, I don't get this. Why is 12 PM mid day? You count until 12 (technically 11:59:59) and then 0 comes, right? Or do AM/PM people start counting at 12? After mid day (12PM) comes 00:00:01 PM? How was the end of the morning PM? It makes no sense!

    вы хорошие

    13:32 i think if he would played rock f8 to f5 i think it would be the best idk

    یا خدا. ایرانیه 😂😂😂😂

    You can tell he’s cheating because 1. The opening is not instantaneous, ( a really good example at 10:20 white doesn’t move the pawn to d4 instantly, it takes him almost 3 full seconds to do something that should be second nature. Castling aswell, and then the nc3 move is super slow. Notice how hikaru is finished the opening in 4 sec and this guy 8 sec.) You don’t need to think about stuff that you should know by heart. Like hikaru is hovering over the move or premoving in the opening. And 2. He always moves in 1.5-2s increments, every time. It’s funny if you stare at his clock it’s the same time increment every single move (except for trades obviously) Lastly 3. He doesn’t take time to think playing any of these amazing moves, even Hikaru has to pause for 3-5s during certain points in the position.
    Literally a program is showing the best move with a 1s delay and then he makes the move 1s later. For every move no matter how hard the position

    Beating Hikaru with an engine is like outracing Usain Bolt in a car. What does that prove?

    Русскоязычный адвокат Давиде Побережский says:


    It's a lot easier to beat cheaters when you play as white. As black it takes them a lot longer to find the squares mentioned in the engine line. Sometimes they have to get out of their chair, and turn their head upside down, to figure it out. If the websites removed the letters and numbers from the sides of the board, every cheater would take an extra few seconds per move. BUT, they'd all get better at saying the alphabet out loud, and counting.

    The fact that Hikaru is better than a top tier chess engine is hilarious and scary

    9:23"You know there's a cavern named TIMBOJO ?"
    wtf was that about, Hikaru ?! O_o

    people say that Nakamura got up and left shouting: "ENGINE! ENGINE! ENGINE!"

    It's so tupid when people cheat in chess , i mean whats the point ? Elo , who cares . As soon as you sit on board you are lost

    really its, how I beat a sporadic cheater, and got crushed when he actually cheated

    I get many of those super geniuses who are 800-1000 for weird reasons. I'm quite stuck in the same ratings and a tournament 300-1000 higher is easier.

    Quality of play isnt really high
    Hikaru making stockfish cry in machine code xD
    This is a clear example that hikaru is the best if he believe he is fighting a weaker opponent!

    Here’s why I never subscribe or watch this channel. It’s to much lagg bs. The title is never found and I have to watch the whole damn video to figure out where the “All perfect moves are”. It’s a stall tactic to get you to watch the whole video and I dislike that don’t want to watch someone play chess that’s boring asf .

    In 10:16 is that some type of opening by black? If yes, what's it's name? Thanks!

    bro is too powerful that he can beat a cheater

    man when he fired it up advantage goes crazy. Against a gm thats hillarious

    ایرانیا همیشه شاهکار میکنن ماشاالله داش😂

    Hikaru made supi get banned during a live i guess 3 times. He explana everymove but If Hikaru loose: SUS. Account is banned.

    Supi was doing live than.. Hikaru told he was sus.. he was banned. He is really strong and creative.

    Carlsen: amazing creative. Is he supi?
    Hikaru: sheeter. Sus.

    Unbelievable: that guy Amihoseyn Soozankar is a FIDE National Arbiter in Iran

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