How Magnus DESTROYS Pins

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%1$ Comments443

    Wow, really informative. Thanks for all the work you put into gathering this knowledge for everyone!

    Brother does not know what popular means

    Appreciate the time and effort you put into this video!! Thank you very much!!!!

    Defending with the queen is actually theory in the nimzo indian

    This channel has to be amongst the top 3 channels on youtube when it comes to learning Chess! Love your work mate..

    Excellent video!
    Thank you so much for putting the time to analyze all of these games, NM Nelson!

    You should do more of these based on different themes. In one day over 150k views.

    At 4:42, wouldn't Qb3 be better, since it defends the knight on c3 but also kicks the bishop?
    It doesn't waste a move on a3 to kick the bishop, but I suppose you might waste a move on bringing the queen back if you don't want to leave her on b3… (even though it's not a bad square, considering that it attacks b7 if the black bishop on c8 ever moves)

    This is Chessvibes is one of the best chess channels. The content is original and instructive

    Opponent: Ha! I opened up your structure!

    Magnus: No, you opened up my attack

    Nelson, you're a real one! Keep up the good work.

    the only thing wrong with this video: its not arguable that magnus is the best in the world, world champion or not.

    crazy video, huge props! you did a really good job there!

    GREAT video! This is becoming one of my favorite chess channels. People talk about chess style all the time with GMs; that's easy enough to see in a broad sense, but the specifics are not. This kind of statistical breakdown over commonly occuring positions (here, a pinned queen) gives real, teaching insight beyond just characterizing style of play in a word. I wish you success to keep making these specific types of videos. This seems like a ton of work, and it's very instructive. Gonna share this with some friends now. Making a contribution to your channel atm is just too hard for me to do (hopefully soon, I'd love to support this channel) , so sharing is the least — or most? — I could do. Either way, thanks again for this great video!

    Cut to Hikaru gratefully watching this in his hotel room the night before his next match with Magnus.
    Fantastic video btw!

    This is a very good idea from you. You can make othet analysises of magnus responses to certain positions/openings/inputs

    Can't believe I guessed right on that biggest pie slice. Future gm in the making? 😛

    did bro call the knight a pawn .-.

    Your efforts must be appreciated. It is not easy to find 100 good games and analyze them. The video is very helpful and it vanished one of my difficulties

    You could have said he ignores the pin 55% of the time in the first minute instead of the 10th and this video would be so much better…

    Yeah I usually ignore it, ig I am kind of a world champion myself

    all chess players not gonna pin magnus

    This video is just in time! I have a multi-game match with Mangus tomorrow!


    What a hard working man lol. I always wondered what the best move was against a king sided knight fork. I hated having that doublepawn and when you start with something like the italian game i dont want to move the bishop back

    You should have made two seperate charts for knight pinning to king and knight pinning to queen and other things as there he can move the knight too

    Magnus: "Ignores Pins"
    Me: "Moves the pinned piece"

    I think in the case of a queen pin, you can flank pawn attack because queen just recaptures and pawn structure isn't damaged. It also prepares the escape square for a kingside castle. Additionally, in a king pin, I think its best to move the bishop as it defends the knight and develops a piece. Despite Magnus ignoring over half of the time, my observations are probably better for lower rated players because we may not know how to take advantage of the position and just being a pawn or other down. I'd like some feedback to know if my analysis was good as a low rated player.

    Edit: Considering the counter attack option, it does seem good but again, its a lot easier for a low rated player to not know how to counterattack correctly and defending may seem like the more solid option.

    I think it would have been nice, if you had included some examples of the flank pawn attack with a pin on the king. Usually the pawn structure feels very awkward if the opponents decides to capture (especially early on in the game). And: Are there any differences in percentage when it comes to "attack with flank pawn" on King vs Queen pin?

    I'd be interested to see his win rate for each of these methods 😀


    Brilliant, that will keep me busy for a month!

    I liked this video. Thanks for taking the time

    Isn't there a big difference between kingside and queenside pins? One threatens to damage pawn structure and one is protected by a queen, seems like the way magnus responded depended on this, to some extent

    My favorite Opening is the Cleveland Streamer!

    Great idea to research this! Quite interesting…

    In all three of the "ignores it" examples he moves his queen away…

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