How Magnus DESTROYS Pins

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%1$ Comments443

    How do we send you games Bc I have one I really want someone to rewiew

    Appreciate this video
    Thank u for uploading 🙂

    By moving his Queen there he also pins the knight to the white king, which was previously defending e4

    some of this may only be less "popular" with Magnus because they are not always available though

    If chess is life was a person lol. No content creators are putting this much research and data analytics for a single video

    I really love your sense of humor. And everything else!

    Great info. Thanks for putting in the work.

    Ignored, but not causing double pawns… Attack with flank pawn, which again would not lead to double pawns… Block with bishop, but already defended by knight… Ok statistics could have been presented a bit differently.

    Uh… what? Every single example of him "ignoring" the pin actually showed that he just moved the king / queen away (only one turn later instead of immediately).

    So… is the conclusion actually that Magnus never ignores the pin?

    I almost always immediately kick with the A/H pawn. I’m going to mess around with not responding immediately to it and see how that feels.

    love your videos but the format is a bit strange.. this video is 13 and a half minutes but you talked about the main point (ignoring the pin) 3 minutes only!
    Nothing negative here, thank you for your passion and great educational videos.

    Once I got a fork and I pinned my opponents knight
    If they took my rook they would lose their queen and rook lol

    I believe "much more easily" is the phrase you were looking for

    A mindset I developped by playing shogi is "if I can't react in a way I'm ok with, I have to attack where it hurts" and it's actually the concept here, focusing on influence and aggro when under pressure.

    The whole video is spoiled on 0:44, we know what the blue slice will be

    I believe this is a nice input, but for such a high number of classes you categorized his behaviour in, 100 is not enough (besides for top three, probably)

    I know this took a long ass time, amazing video!

    Very good Nelson. Thank you for the effort.

    Thanks for the analysis. You must have put a lot of effort in. You definitely got some useful results.

    Nice pin. I take the threatening bishop with my queen, threatening your rook on h1.

    – ChatGPT

    This Nelson guy be giving off stalker vibes!🙄🙄

    I always ignore the pin and end up loosing the queen. Guess I’m Magnus🗿

    That was so interesting. keep doing great work man.👍

    Great extensive analysis. Cracked me up when Nelson failed to say "easily"

    I think this breakdown ignores important differences in the position. Like, how many of those 'ignore' cases are when the knight is protected by a pinned Queen, versus situations where it would have to be recaptured with doubled pawns? What percentage of the time does he defend with a knight out of just the times when that's even possible in the first place?

    I see a pin as a provocation. So it makes sense to do nothing.

    You missed an option.

    Move the knight!

    Botez gambit !! Let's go !

    The real question is how many times Eric Rosen reacts to a pin by sacrificing the queen?

    The way I see it, Magnus does not ignore the threat 55% of the times, he just delays his counter by a few moves.

    Aren't you assuming that the move immediately following a pin is always in response to the pin which I would think is not necessarily true. The move could be motivated by another factor entirely! 😁 love the channel by the way.

    Did you consider use NFC insted of rezistors?

    Why knight specifically and not other pieces?

    I appreciate the effort that went into video. Very interesting. Cheers

    Do this on his opening, middle, & endgame then you have created the ultimate magnus bot.

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