How to ALWAYS Win at Chess


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%1$ Comments192

    Can you play the Italian and show how to defend against the Fried Liver Attack?

    Stop with the click bait titles already, it betrays the lack of sincerity on your part, which is a shame because you might actually be more sincere than these click bait titles suggest.

    Thx because I’m keep losing to chess also I was forced to watch furryporn because I lost 4 rounds to m cousin
    Now I can make them pay

    Levy is a content machine but his Win At Chess series is the best thing he does. Thank you

    These videos are great. I'm a returning player after 20 years away from the game and these videos help me to remember tactics.

    Maybe you should listen to your own advise and finally become a chess GM.

    Unless he is showing how to point a gun at your opponent, this is clickbait.

    I know that you've said your instructional content often performs worse than other content, but I really appreciate these types of videos because there is always some neat idea or concept for me to take with me. ❤

    this is the sort of video I enjoy the most. make more of these. i quit on playing chess, but I still watch. thanks

    I'd like to volunteer myself for next one

    this series is really instructive. please continue it weakly!

    Levy I think u can become Gm ure rlly good and in the past people had it easier to be fair
    U can overcome it for sure but dont get demotivated just keep at it never stop

    I loved your Channel before These series but these is the best 🙂 very entertaining and instructiv!

    Hello levy iam from india can you conduct a free campaign in chessly🙏🙏

    Levy or anyone else who reads this comment I am around 1500 rapid but have plateaued and have been bouncing +/- 20 elo but struggling to improve I try and actively analyze my games, refresh and hone my openings and I am 2500 puzzles and do at least 25 a day does anyone have anything extra to do?

    These kind of videos help me a lot improving. So many times i would have played the same moves as your Opponent and then you said hmm well thats a blunder 😂😂 will have to study some more


    LEVY please play with me
    Id: Ayush1048

    I never have played chess, i have no interest in ever playing chess but you have a great skill in making videos entertaining and educational so i have been watching your videos for months now. Great work!

    ":equal equity" is something only a chess professional would mutter

    Hey levy plz go for 100 episodes of how to win at chess 😅

    Noooooooo wayyyyyyyy i am only 517 elo and made my first brilliant move

    Very instructive video. Thank you Levi. I love this series.

    I sent my dad a video from you one time and he bought me your book

    You should make a delibrate blunder at 900 lvl like everyone would and then go from there

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