HOW TO CRUSH THIS BAD MOVE! | Chess Rating Climb 600 to 641



0:00 – The problem with openings πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
1:03 – The Scotch Gambit!
12:43 – Napoleon Attack (4 move checkmate attempt!)
24:17 – Facing weird opening moves (97 Accuracy)
40:25 – The Center Game Accepted
48:37 – Secret 600 ELO Strategy 🀫
49:04 – Philidor Defense
1:00:02 – Big News!!

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%1$ Comments119

    I feel bad for your opponents thinking they are playing a 600

    Hi Nelson, don't play faster, your pace is perfect for learning.

    I agree, that's the whole point of me watching – learning
    TY nelson, ur a great teacht

    50:55 Dude, they can't move their king there to defend the fork because then you can just take the queen with the knight. You definitely should have gone with the knight move.

    Hi Nelson, I think you do an extremely well job in doing your explanations for your moves and the opponent's moves. The time you take explaining is well spent. You are an excellent teacher.

    At 34:00, if you played a3 after castling and op was attacking your pawn, you'd have had checkmate with be3. B4 was the only runaway square and a3 threatened checkmate.

    so many players bring out their queen early against me still, i'm going to remember that queen trap

    Best strategy: Take your time and your opponents get bored and resign LMAO

    Perfect timing. I need this lesson!

    I love that you take long and explain each move.

    Resigning because the opponent "takes too long" is so stupid πŸ˜…. I mean, sorry for using his 10 minutes? Play bullet if you want fast

    On 33:49 it looks like after Bd6 and forced Qxd6, then Ne4 is a fork on the queen, right?

    Very instructive-Thanks. Opening suggestion: Stonewall System, works in white and black😊

    This is the most helpful series I've seen. πŸ‘ Thanks so much for making it so detailed!

    at 34:07 you missed a fork. bd6, followed by ne4 if your oponent capture it. Or just grab the queen if they don't

    I think you missed a double threat on 10:40 right after you said no immediate tactics

    … It's like you're reading the chess board. What if u start a series called HOW TO READ THE BOARD. where you just simply explain positions as u do.

    What does 'rice' stand for in the stats box?.

    Opening Suggestion:
    White pieces > Queen's Gambit
    Black Pieces > King's Indian Defence
    (I've played alot of Queens gambit trough my climb to 1500 and for black I've always wanted to try the KID but I personally find it difficult to play so maybe you could help out explaining it a bit If it may occur, as always take care, hope you and your family is up well!

    Play moves faster and explain while your opponent is thinking/moving.

    @48:42 that’s one of my best strategies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Whenever im watching these chess teacher videos facing 600s i always wonder.. WHERE ARE THESE 600S WHEN I PLAY?.. im losing to 500-600 elos that are all playing 85-90 % accuracy like is wild..

    To me personally, I think Mr. Nelson Lopez is like a beginner-friendly version of Daniel Naroditsky. It's nice.

    I watched your other rating climb. Helped me develop allot. Then 400 now 1617

    10:49 battery with queen to e4. Has to take the pawn or you win both rooks or checkmate. If takes pawn you gain a bishop. If moves pawn c6 to stop the rook threat then checkmate with queen takes bishop on e7.

    Play the guicco piano as white and black very calm 😊

    13:00 whats funny is, in lower ratings this stuff is so common which why people also struggle with just opening theory/studying some openings, they have to adept whats going on and I love that you show these games and explain your moves since thats so instructive! Others just punish mistakes without actually explaining why its bad or how you could go down the line with these type of positions, you're doing a great job Sir!

    Woho! Finally a Scotch Gambit glad to see it happening after so many attempts, much love Nelson! Hopefully people can get some ideas for this cheeky opening.

    You are not playing too slow. To learn about your thinking process is very helpful for us beginners to improve πŸ™‚

    Imagine thinking your opponent is good because he is taking quite some time to make moves but in actuality he is dissecting and carefully explaining how he is going to utterly destroy you.

    Title of the video is 540 to 600, but then it starts @600?

    Great episode as always! I'd like to suggest again the Glek-system for white, it seems interesting and basically nobody plays it so it might be the secret hot sauce we all were waiting for πŸ˜…

    I will not stop asking for the Danish Gambit

    @37:50 ooof pawn checkmate is a brutal & humiliating checkmate for black's king! GG!

    crushing low elos.. that's what we like doing

    could you please play the Vienna gambit or just any Vienna variation please

    Love these videos, 600 is my elo so super helpful!

    How about playing sicilian defence? as black

    why the poor first guy gets -23 elo points ? πŸ˜€


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