HOW TO CRUSH THIS BAD MOVE! | Chess Rating Climb 600 to 641



0:00 – The problem with openings πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
1:03 – The Scotch Gambit!
12:43 – Napoleon Attack (4 move checkmate attempt!)
24:17 – Facing weird opening moves (97 Accuracy)
40:25 – The Center Game Accepted
48:37 – Secret 600 ELO Strategy 🀫
49:04 – Philidor Defense
1:00:02 – Big News!!

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%1$ Comments119

    32 views in 2 mins chess vibes fell offπŸ₯²

    Good morning Nelson! 😊 So excited to see more Speedrun content! Would love to see you pull off the Englund Complex for giggles.

    at 19:12 what about the move be2, forking queen and rook with a knight defending it?
    if they move the queen, its bxc4 and free bishop?
    why it is not a good move?

    Not frustrated at all. Learning valuable info. Many questions answered. Keep up the process my friend. TY

    LOL i appreciate you taking the time to talk through the moves. and explain everything. at the same time, i can see the opponent's point of view. like damn, i already lost, hurry up and put me out of my misery so i can try again lol. Also, I want to see you do the Sicilian Defense.

    Never. Rush. This thought process is such an insight. Great content.

    Thank you very much, love the way you explained about the different pre-move thinking and defense at the same time. That has really helped me to up my game.

    48:20 I really like you talking through everything. I have learned a lot. Thank you.

    My rating be 1590 and I never fight for the middle of the board – haha

    No. I think black move to h6 was fine. There is no explanation for blacks move of d5. That was the blunder in my opinion. Why would black play d5 to sacrifice it's pawn and open up attack on queen?

    In your game against AltoMono, I would have been interested in seeing what the Brilliant move was that showed up in your game review

    47:59 No no no!!! Keep talking, don't play faster! I've never learned as much as in your rating climb videos! Thank you for this!!!

    At the 10:14 mark, you played pxc6. I think the Queen was better because if … Nxd6, then Qxa8 gets both rooks and the knight because of forced moves (… Nb8 Qxb8 Kd7 Qxh8)

    Um, please don't play faster. Please and thank you

    Instead of developing the queen side knight, if you'd gone Qe4, you have a double threat to take his rook on a8, which would also win the other rook or to take his bishop on e7with a strong check.

    Hi Nelson. I just wanted to mention that, move 14 for white, could have been Be3. Because if 14….Nf6 had taken or not, then 15. Nc6+ would fork the king and queen. Then when king gets out of check, Be3 would take Qc5. I'm referring to the first game. The scotch Gambit.πŸ™‚

    You missed the Rook and Bishop Fork with the queen. On The First Game

    At 33:42 isn't there a mate in three? Pawn a3; black moves anything; b3+, KxN; Rd3#

    I appreciate you talking so much. I’ve learned more from you than anyone else, sorry Levy.

    At 20 minites, B-e2 forks rook & queen: let them have the bad fried liver trade afterwards

    If you play chess being impatient (like some of the opponents here) you'll never get very far. Imho, impatience is one of the worst character traits you can have. It deprives you of so much opportunities for success, not only in chess.

    Very helpful video to have you go through your thought process during the games

    Thank you so much for this series. It's helping me so much the way you are explaining everything

    Against the center game, once they play Qe3, I like to play b6 to prepare not only to fianchetto my light squared Bishop, but also to play bc5 gaining tempo on the Queen. I'll consider long castle depending on the position.

    I went from 550 to 700 after just watching 4 of your videos over the last couple days. Seriously! I had been to 750 once before for a few days before dropping down to ~500 again, that time was after watching Pia Cramling explain some openings and ways of thinking! I guess i respond well to instructive watching. (to be fair, I stayed in 500 range to experiment a lot and to try to recognize some patterns)

    Nelson, You're speed is just right for me. I'm learning a lot! Syd

    That "boredom resignation" is a very powerful tactic, but it never works when I play it😒. They always play something else πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    In game 2 when the bishop had you in check defended by the knight your opponent was looking for you to move your king to the corner to fork the rook and queen.

    Could you make a 500K-special? That's something to celebrate!

    Nelsi, you're doing a really great thing!!!!!!! I'm watching your videos from Austria and love them!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooo much for the great content and helping me, to really improve in chess!!!!!!!

    Nelson casually grabbing brilliant moves but doesnt show 😣. Show them nelson!!

    24:49 plays italian and says "I'm just choosing a random developing move", thanks for disrespecting my most fav opening g.

    this is a great vid But what is Rice on the score card

    If 4 … h6 is not a good move for black, what is a better move to stop 5. Ng5?

    I'd love to see your take on the Danish gambit! You're definitely not playing too slow, hearing your thought process has helped me tremendously with mine.

    It is insane that I feel like I think for 10 seconds in between moves and feel pressured. I’m running out of time yet. My guy and most other content. Creators can talk at length in between moves and have plenty time. Of course, my endgame sucks.

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