How to get a brilliant move every game

Made by @HarrisAlterman

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%1$ Comments162

    Brilliant moves are always sacrifices

    898 lol I'm 588 in blitz because I basically only play rapid (sometimes Bullet)

    Your moves aren’t a mistake…! You are!

    solution: dont buy diamond
    you're welcome guys, you are now a grandmaster

    I play a move,then analysis says you idiot its only +5 egy would not did this,thsts plus seven

    The waffle House has found it's new host

    stockfish said my winning move was a blunder 💀

    Got stuck there Inca loop for a while…..……

    Excatly… bullet is just a drug form of chess, that lets you develop your worst habits at their max…. And im still here for it!

    Hope you don't get demonetized because of that matchmaking XD

    saw the notification of this vid
    resigned my game to see it
    sees this video

    here is my pain in 10 seconss

    I like how after reading the sign and not analysing the game the mistakes went one up 🤣

    And that’s he you avoid server processing charges and more profits 👍👌

    It genuinely took me so long to realize its a loop.

    Me: plays a brilliant move not knowing it's brilliant, and then blunders for the next three moves and loses

    New 3 mins

    The loop though…. I was here for three days

    " I don't analyse game, the game analyses me" – Magnum Carlos

    Getting checkmate, what a brilliant move.

    i didnt even realize it was a loop until a few seconds…

    A brilliant move is basically a great move but a sacrifice most of the time

    I got briliant move when trade my white bishop and Queen to pawn, rook and knight . and i have 2 rook, black bishop and knight againts 1 rook and queen. Because my white bishop pinned to my queen by enemy rook and i lost my bishop if queen move or get stacked. In the end i won that game

    I like how it changed from 3 mistakes to 4 mistakes at the end of the video, just shows that not analyzing the game was a mistake 🤣

    See my latest shorts for brilliant moves

    La calotte de Paupaul. That s so interesting. I could translate, but, I don't think I can…

    Chesscom really be promoting that toxic addict mindset

    I failed to buy diamond membership after I watched this. Thanks com. I keep playing as free member.

    "You can not lose in chess if you do not play a single game" 😁 . But then you lose out on all the fun in the game . 🙂

    "Every Game You analyse , Every Brilliant Move You Lose"
    -Carlos Macinson

    Every brilliant move is a blunder if you don't know what to do next

    Me: OMG im so brilliant that's a free rook
    Stonkfish: You missed mate in 5 you f*cking donkey!

    that moment were you capture their queen with a pawn and its a grave mistake and a missed win oportunity (the correct move was moving the king to the right)

    Brilliant move = mistakes and missed wins for me 🙂

    Every move is a brilliant move if you never analyze your games..

    or every move is a mistake..

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