How to Play Chess

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Learn the rules to the board game Chess quickly and concisely – This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to checkmate the other king. Checkmate happens when the king is in a position to be captured, in check, and cannot escape from capture.

At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player is sitting across from the other and has the white or lighter colored square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The second row is filled with pawns. The first row should be set up as follows going left to right: Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook. You’ve set it up correctly if your queen is on the same colored square as the color of the piece.

The player with the white pieces always moves first. A turn consists of moving 1 piece 1 time. Players alternate turns until the end of the game.

Spaces may not be shared by pieces. Pieces cannot move through or over any other piece. Opponents’ pieces can be captured by correctly moving your piece to the square of an opponent’s piece. When a piece is captured, it is eliminated and removed from the board. Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces has a unique way of moving:

Pawns move one square forward (toward your opponents side of the board) at a time, unless it is the first time it is moved during the game, in which case it may be moved up to 2 squares forward. Pawns can only capture pieces one diagonal square in front of them, and cannot capture pieces directly in front of them, but is instead unable to move forward. If a pawn reaches the other side of the board, it can be changed into any other type of piece. This is called a promotion.

Rooks can move any number of squares side to side, or back and forth. Rooks cannot move diagonally. Rooks cannot jump pieces but instead capture the first enemy piece they move into.

Knights move in the shape of an “L”, moving 2 squares in one direction, except diagonal, then one more square at a 90 degree angle. The knight jumps over any pieces in the way, capturing any opponent piece in its final move position.

Bishops can move any number of squares diagonally. They capture the first enemy piece they move into.

The Queen can move any number of squares in any direction. The queen captures the first enemy piece she moves into.

The King can only move one square at a time in any direction. The King can never move himself into “Check”.

Whenever a move directly results in the opponent’s king being threatened, (meaning if action is not taken, the next turn the King would be captured) the attacking player must say “Check”. The opponent must then use their turn to protect the king either by moving the king out of check, moving a different piece to block the path of the attacker, or by capturing the piece that threatens the king.

If a move directly results in the opponent’s king being threatened, and there is no move to protect the king, the attacking player declares “checkmate,” the game is over, and he wins. A draw, or stalemate, occurs when the king is not in check and the player cannot legally move any of his pieces or there is any other situation where there is an impossibility of checkmate.

There are a couple other types of unique moves. The first is castling: On a player’s turn he may move his king two squares over to one side and then move the rook from that side’s corner to right next to the king on the opposite side. However, in order to castle, the following conditions must be met: it must be that king’s very first move, it must be that rook’s very first move, there cannot be any pieces between the king and rook, and the king may not…

%1$ Comments176


    Ok so I know one thing for sure, ones white and ones black, I'm getting to be a chess grand master

    1:31 ik this is for beginners but there is a move called en passant where pawns can capture the pawn on the same line as them look up for more info cause I don't wanna type it

    Chess how to play
    The rules are same as regular chess
    For a refreshers of those rules, check out this video

    Friend: This test is so confusing!
    The test:

    War chess: how to play.

    The rules are same as regular chess, except for these changes.

    Lay out a 4 X 8 board, with sides having 4 slots being towards opponent and you.

    Lay out 4 pawns on 2nd row, and place ''royal pieces'' in following order:

    Bishop, queen, king, rook.

    Mirror setup for black

    Pawns move 1 square forward and attack 2 squares forward.

    The royal pieces move normally, except they all capture 3 squares forward.

    You are not allowed double step move, as well as en passant.

    You are not allowed to take pieces with their original capturing moves.

    You are allowed to make ''camp''

    To make camp, move rook and bishop 1 square forward and move pawn infront of it. (its only allowed if its first move of each piece)

    You are allowed to move your king in check, because to win you need to eliminate all pieces.

    You do not move to enemy piece position upon capture.

    You may capture even when a piece is infront of the attacking piece.

    First player to eliminate the king wins.


    Shotgun ver.:

    Pawns attack 1 square forward and diagonally.

    Royal pieces attack 2 squares forward and 1 squares diagonally.

    You may capture multiple pieces per turn. (max limit is 3)

    You may not capture when a piece is infront of attacking piece.

    (((and please if you see this can you do video how to play this ver. of chess i made, even tough i know its unbalanced, i still hope you gonna make vid about this. thank you and have a nice day;) )))

    bro, he sounded and look so much different back then

    Used this video to win a chess tournament! Thanks!!!

    Very confusing lol, looks fun looking at people play it. I'll stick with checkers instead lol

    I know how each of those piece work but i can't play them at all

    Dude I literally wasted like 1 to 2 hr and I literally couldn't even understands the moves like if ur nerd this game is for u bro

    The rules are the same as chess. For the remainder of the rules, Check out this video.

    So I need a degree to understand this game

    "The rules are the same as regular checkers, except for these changes"

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