How to Play Chess – Explained in A Minute #shorts

Happy International Chess Day Everyone 🙂
On this Special day, Learn How to Play Chess in Just 1 Minute. Here’s a Short and Simple Tutorial for Beginners. In this chess lesson, you’ll learn all the basic rules of the game like how to setup the chessboard, how the pieces move, check, checkmate etc.
This is just a basic intro to get you started. For a detailed & complete tutorial, watch this video:
#Shorts #ChessTalk #Chess

%1$ Comments108

    An passant is the most underrated rule of chess 😂

    You forgot enpassant and some draw contidions like stalemate and 3 fold rep.

    i thougth its a clickbait bcz of one min but you explained it in a minute

    What about, 'the knight moves one square diagonal and then one square straight'

    When en passant isn’t explained in a minute tutorial

    What a shame

    My sir told me that ladies love matching colour so queen should be on its colour square

    Thank You Thank you Thank You!!!!!

    Why is there the option to get an rock or bishop when the queen is always a better option

    I wish I saw this before I started playing chess

    Now to explain castling, stalemates, time, pins, skewers, forks, openings, and more…

    Two more information please Add First one is Enpass rule and Draw rules and steps Count

    You forgot Castling, stalemate and en passant

    I used this video to win a debate on how the knight moves

    Good afternoon, sir. I want to hear how to calculate in chess. I've seen grandmasters like Kasparov calculate 10-15 moves ahead. How do they do that with so many possibilities? I would request a video

    That, knight's move can also be explained as: 'one square diagonal and one square straight'

    o Angrej sahab Hindi mein bola karo.ham chass khelte hen.har indian hindi jaanta he par par har indian english nhi jaanta.

    Hi, you ve failed to explain the most unknown move of the pown.

    Bro can u buy and give me an chess board 😭😭

    Sir , kitni chize update karne ko hai jaise magnus iss bar defend nahi karega and ya phir final match b hai if ….

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